Friday, March 1, 2024

March 1st snow day

Happy March 1st. Woke up to a bit of snow (and still snowing) this morning. It got colder during the night and the rain we were getting yesterday turned to snow. 

Since I got the bigger grounding/earthing mat to go under our fitted sheet, dh has now also been using it several nights. As I figured, even if it was helping him with his pain, he's very unlikely to admit it. But, one of the things I've read (and watched on videos) is that it makes snoring go away for a lot of people. Well, I realized when I went to bed last night, I don't think he's snored the past couple nights. He's not bad every night, and it's mostly if he lays on his back. Then he sounds like a freight train and also sounds like he has sleep apnea. I always tell him to roll over onto his side, you're snoring. I heard him get up to use the bathroom last night and of course he lays back down on his back. He always falls back asleep right away, so I was just waiting for the train to start....but it didn't. Very very little snoring. Crazy. 

He rarely takes a proper nap. He will fall asleep sitting up in his desk chair, all the time. Once in awhile he'll go lay down on the bed. Either way he doesn't really like taking naps because he says he always wakes up from them feeling sick. Tuesday he took a nap on the bed (though not right on the grounding mat, he was on top of the covers) and when I was done with work and came downstairs he said he took a 2 hour great nap. Hmmm... My boss, who has had terrible insomnia for years, is ordering one to try, it sounds like. I will be very interested to hear from her on it.

Almost the weekend, again. No plans to go anywhere. We have our fridge and pantry stocked up from our grocery trip last Saturday. I'm still getting an egg a day (except for one day) the past couple of weeks, so that is nice. It's even better than I was getting all summer last year, not sure why. Last summer and into when they stopped laying this winter, I was only getting like 4 in total for the week - for 3 chickens. 

Another week gone by without the inherited IRA's being finalized. My poor uncle must be having fits. But, that's his own fault for thinking it was going to happen right away. I did text him earlier this week and said if I haven't heard any updates by the end of this week, I will reach out to them to check on it, so I will do that today. In the meantime, my mom's IRA has gained back $47,000 of the $57,000 I took out as her distribution, the first week of January, just before she passed. The stock market is doing very well, at least. Or at least her portfolio is doing very well. There's lots of good stocks in there, that's for sure.

Looks like dh will at least be shoveling snow today.


  1. That is strange that your hens lay so few eggs in the summer. How old are they?

  2. I agree Linda, that is odd.
    When I was growing up our six hens would definitely stop laying in the winter.
    Then return to about one each a day during the Summer months.

    1. they are now 4 years old. Last summer was terrible for eggs and I don't know why, but remember I kept reading stuff about peoples hens not laying and wondering if it was something changed with the feed. Before that I was usually getting 2-3 (or 3-4 when I had 4 hens) a day, as well.
