Thursday, February 29, 2024

Cute table and trying to be on Teams

The copper table top came and dh got it attached to the cast iron base I got for it. I love it. So pretty.

My kitchen sink is copper, so this is a good accent piece to go with it. Our stair railing, while not actually cast iron, has a cast iron look to it, so this black base also ties in with that. A good spot to sit and drink tea or coffee and see the river flow by.

We use Microsoft Teams at work. I have it open in my RDS (remote desktop server) work desktop and also have the app on my phone. Both my RDS and phone version work fine for messaging back and forth. I've also always had it on my home computer desktop and that is the version I have to use if I am using Teams in a meeting or video/audio call. It won't work very well through the work RDS as there is too much lag/delay. If I try to watch a company meeting on Teams using the RDS version, it always freezes up and is very annoying. But, the one on my home computer desktop has always worked fine - until a couple weeks ago. It signed me out and wouldn't let me sign back in the app on my desktop. I couldn't figure it out, so I just accessed it through the web browser on my computer and that has been working fine the past couple of weeks, until yesterday. Now the web version kept saying it couldn't sign me in.

I tried reinstalling the app on my desktop, but no luck. It was still telling me "no internet connection found". I totally have internet, LOL. Finally, I found a solution someone suggested on a microsoft message board and that seems to have fixed the problem. Funny how usually the solutions that work are given by someone not with Microsoft, haha. Some internet setting in my LAN...whatever all that means, but just glad it's working. I kept ignoring it that past week or so, but I don't want to find myself in the predicament of I suddenly need to be involved in a teams meeting and not have it working properly. At least figuring it out on my own saved me a call with our IT, haha. 

I also really need to figure out how to transfer a call with it, LOL. I know there is a way, but I so seldom even get phone calls, let alone the need to transfer it to another employee, but it does happen and I can't remember how to do it. So, I've googled how to do that and made myself a sticky note here by my computer, so the next time it comes up, I should be able to transfer the call. Well, I hope so. I usually always just answer a teams phone call with my cell phone, but I'm assuming I should be able to transfer the call from someone else from my phone, as well. About the only time I answer a teams call from my computer is when it's my boss or coworker and I know they will want to share their screen with me or I want to share mine with them.

Then yesterday about 4pm, my time, our RDS pretty much crashed or something and no one could use it. I ended up not getting any more work done for my last half hour. I did see not too long after there was a Teams message to all saying it was working again. Hopefully today won't be so many problems. 

It's payday. I need to go pay my mortgage online. I don't know why I don't just set this up as autopay, LOL. I should do that when I log in to pay it.


  1. Did the assistant issue resolve? I haven't seen you mention him, and I don't remember if you've mentioned something happening. I could have also just forgotten. lol

    My work uses Teams also. It's convenient, but I dread to hit the answer button when I get a video call. :)

    1. So far, the assistant has been doing a good job this past month or so. He's not working very many hours a week, with his school schedule, but that's ok and it also seems like maybe my boss made him cut down to what he can actually handle, not what he thinks he can or wants to work. He's working and if he needs to work a different time or can't work he is letting me know each time. I dread the answer button on calls to, haha. Usually I just hit the audio button and not the video ;)

    2. I love the table, but zoomed in on the finish work around the door. It looks like a honey oak, which is what we have in this place. The floors are honey oak too. Our last place we put in a darker finish, as our floors were a dark acacia. It was a nice change from the traditional honey oak on our farm house, (with cheap finish work, but we didn't build that place) and, in fact, every other house, we had owned, it seemed. When I had to pick the interiors for this place, choices were limited, and I further limited them by insisting the designer show me only what she had in stock because I wasn't goi g to play the "supply chain" game. That left me with two choices, one of which was honey oak, and, frankly, I couldn't be happier with the warm looking!

    3. It's actually knotty alder wood with Golden Pecan stain :) I had no idea for sure what I wanted, (just warm!) and the painter/staining lady showed me some pics of doors she had done in the Golden Pecan and I really liked it.

  2. The table is nothing like I imagined, but it is nice. Technology is wonderful until it isn't!
