Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Just another day

I was busy with a work project yesterday, so jumped right into it when I got up yesterday, rather than taking my half hour or so, before I logged into work to get a blog post started. I was hoping to finish the project yesterday, but still have a bit to do this morning, but it shouldn't take me too long.

DH is happy - Google maps/earth is finally showing the satellite view of our house, LOL. He's only been waiting for almost 5 years, haha. Street view is still showing the same, from after we were done building, but before the landscaping was in. Why did this make him so happy? Because he was able to measure stuff! He now knows how many sq feet of lawn and asphalt we have. I guess that is important, haha.

As I have aged my hair has gotten curly. It always had a wave in it, but my white hair is much curlier. Some of it I like ok, but I don't like the back, where it just kind of ripples down. I also don't like the curls in that my hair always looks too poofy and a little frizzed out, but I haven't got myself to wanting really short hair yet. I've had short hair once in my life and while I liked it (I think I was around 19 years old), it also required getting it cut every month and I have no desire (nor am I close to a hairdresser) to do that. Most days I just let it dry and pull it back into a pony tail. Once in a blue moon I will use the curling iron on it to make it more wavy/beach type curls. Most days I don't have any ambition or need, haha. A while back I bought this brush that dries and straightens hair. It's just too big of brush and makes it awkward to use. And it must be my age showing, but listening to a hair dryer for 5 or 10 minutes annoys me. I just bought this brush straightener that you use on dry hair. The brush is more normal size and I tried it out yesterday after my hair was dry. It worked fairly quickly and did a good job, especially to get the ripples out of the back. It was only like $20. Seeing it straight again made me realize it's getting long and in need of a cut again.

I haven't gotten any eggs for weeks and I think a grand total of 2 eggs so far this winter, so imagine my surprise to find 2 eggs in the nest yesterday. I felt like I hit the jackpot. I hope it's a sign of at least a few eggs starting to come on a more regular basis each week.

Our neighbor down at the end of the street - with the 1st grader....well, she got into a bit of a panic yesterday afternoon, when he wasn't home from school. The bus comes around 4:30 (gosh that seems so late to me!) and is down at the entrance to our street. They live down at the other end. Well, she rarely makes it down there in time to meet him when he gets of the bus. Usually he's just walking down our street by himself and sometimes she's on her way down the street when the bus drops him off. Yesterday she texts us and the other neighbors to ask if any of us saw the bus go by (this was at 4:47) as he wasn't home yet. I did not see the text (and I don't think the other neighbors were home) until 5pm and then about 5 minutes or so later had she texted back she thinks he's been found. I guess he thought he had wrestling practice and didn't get on the bus. I gotta say, if she would be there to meet his bus every day before it would arrive, she'd at least have known he wasn't on the bus and that it wasn't the bus that was late. There is no way, even living here, that I'd let a 6 year old off a bus by himself. When my son was that age, the bus dropped them off at the entrance to our private street(s) and I was always down there in plenty of time and stood there and waited for the bus and even when it was both him and dd (4 years apart) together, I went to the bus stop. 

I've never been a Valentine's Day fan. I always joke with dh "Happy stupid love day". So, he's off the hook from having to ever buy me something. Not to mention we just had our anniversary and my birthday last month.


  1. I would kill to have a wave in my hair. It is very fine, once voluminous, now just there and thin.
    Didn't you put a light in with the hens to wake them earlier because of less light in winter? That will cause them to lay. It is the lack of light that causes hens not to lay. Some people say it is cruel to make them lay, but what do hens at the equator do and is the sun cruel?
    That is scary. But, if you would not let a young child get off the bus alone, maybe she should be there waiting on him. I hope she does not yell at the child. My children lived too close to take the bus, but would have to cross a main highway to get home. That scared me so I picked them up for years. The middle and high school were also too close, so I delivered them there, too. Our seven-year-old car was traded in with barely 70K miles on it. The dealer swore we had turned back the milage. But, we had two cars and I used mine about 4 miles a day...for years. I hated school buses when I was a child and HAD to ride them.

    1. No, I didn't put a light in. Figured I'd let them be during winter. With the cold months, they need their energy for that, not laying. I hated school buses as well when I was growing up.

    2. It is cruel. In the equator, they have a different amount of dark vs. light naturally....NATURALLY.

  2. In our district, if a student is in 2nd grade or younger, the driver is not allowed to let the student exit the bus unless the parent or otherwise authorized person (ie: older sibling) is present. I freely admit that there were a few times the driver saw me halfway down the road. I wouldn't even let my kids walk home alone in middle or high school. It just seemed lonely.

    1. in this day and age, even here in rural area, I think it's very foolish to let a child be alone. All's it would take is for some evil person to follow the bus in their car a few times and see what's what and who's alone after they get off the bus.

  3. I wouldn't let my six year old be walking alone either!!

  4. No way would a kid that young be left like that. Some nut case sees him without a parent and she'll never know till too late.

  5. I am glad the kiddo was ok! I get that parents are busy but at 6 years old that is too young to not meet the wee one at the bus stop!
