Sunday, February 11, 2024


I started this post yesterday and never got back to finishing and posting it. The refund check from my mom's memory care did come Friday and a bit more than I expected, as they also prorated a refund of $132 on her "personal care products" (ie Depends). Mrs Neighbor came over yesterday with a nice little miniature rose plant. She said she's had it for awhile, meaning to give me in condolence for my mom, and just didn't get over right away. It was nice of her. She's always been thoughtful like that.

The tv wall mount delivered yesterday, so we got the tv put up in the bonus room. Dh felt it is a really good mount and came with everything you could possibly need to install it, depending on what tv you may have. It even has a level built in it for installing. I was helping dh hold it up (just a bit above my eye height) and he starts screwing it in the wall and I'm like "don't you need your level?" (because he's always very particular to make sure stuff is level) and he shows me there was one built in the middle of the top of the mount, that I couldn't see from my height. It was just under $50 and I'm glad I didn't spend $130 on the Samsung one on their website.

I did make a "funfetti" cake from the box. I did substitute butter for the oil and it gave the cake a good flavor. Later in the afternoon, we had a guy stop by for a couple of hours visit. He was interesting - very intelligent. He has quite a bit of insight into what is going on in our little county and surrounding areas. Much more knowledge than the average person would know/see. The kind of stuff my dh has always had an intuition, or 6th sense, about and this guy confirmed a lot of what dh thought he was seeing.

We ended up having a late quick and easy dinner and saved room for cake and ice cream, which we took up to the bonus room and played some pool. With the tv now hooked up (it is a smart tv) we signed into dh's Youtube account and put on some music. I think I need to figure out the color settings on the tv. It was playing various music videos and the color looks off and when I remember seeing the tv on at my mom's it was always a very good picture.

All day yesterday I kept thinking it was Sunday for some reason. It's not like I had Friday off, so I have no idea why. At one point, later in the morning I was even wondering to myself "why isn't dh doing the laundry" (that he does on Sundays) and kept realizing it's Saturday. Then last evening dh said he kept thinking it was Sunday all day, too.

And while we were upstairs playing pool and I had left my phone downstairs and when we came back downstairs I see my uncle called and left a message asking me to call him at my convenience......well, my convenience wasn't last night, haha. I wasn't in the mood to have to answer again when I think he might get his inheritance. I'll call him later this morning

It's sunny out this morning, but a cold 25 degrees. Looks like we're in for a bit colder weather the next week or so, but the sun is a nice change from the cloudy days we were having.

I have a few ripe bananas that never got eaten so I think I'll make up some banana bread today. That's always good to have with my morning cup of coffee or a snack. I will also get back to the vacuuming, LOL. I decided to try something new, in hopes that my back wouldn't start hurting while vacuuming. I did the bonus room and then stopped, before my back would hurt. Waited awhile and then did the hallway and half of the loft area. Then stopped. So far so good. Then it was time for lunch, then we were putting up the tv mount, then the visitor was coming over and I never got to finish the other half of the upstairs. But, I do think my stopping and resting before my back would start aching worked.

I'm also reading a good science fiction book, so I will read on that some more today and likely finish it this evening or tomorrow. Something good to do, in between my vacuuming, haha.



  1. Your uncle is annoying. Do you think he gets focused on the money and has nothing else to think about, so he calls? I worry his helpful neighbor will 'help' him spend the money.
    It is good you found a way to keep your back from hurting. My back is past resting it while vacuuming. It is impossible to even use the stick vac.
    Can or will you use the pool room to set up puzzles or play checkers? Or, would you do those activities elsewhere?

    1. We do have our old small dining table in the bonus room for puzzles and games. Our little coffee table between the 2 new chairs has a cute "moose antler" cribbage board dd got me a couple years ago.
