Sunday, February 25, 2024

Weekend to-do's and done's

Yesterday we were up early (well, dh was up early, I was up at my normal time, LOL) and out of the house by 8am yesterday. We pulled in Sportmans Warehouse parking, wanting to see what discount we could get with their "balloon pop" event. The line outside waiting to get in when then opened in about 7 minutes was long and around the corner of the building, but I'd say only about 75 people (they said the first 300 customers). DH wasn't interested in waiting in line, so we went to Walmart and got our order picked up and stopped back at Sportsman's at 9:10. Line all gone, LOL. So, we went inside, but it wasn't how I read the event to be. You didn't get a balloon to see what your discount is until you are checking out. Oh well, dh wanted a couple boxes of ammo anyway, so we decided to see if we'd get lucky with a high discount, but only got the 5%.

Then we went over to the grocery store that I get the frozen hamburger patties and salmon at. They are usually in the same frozen case, near the fresh meats, but they moved them, so it took me awhile to find them, now both in different places. But, at least they had what I wanted in stock, and on sale. I saved $14.

We were back home by around 10:30 and nice to still pretty much have the rest of the day. Dh usually doesn't ever want to go that early, as he doesn't even usually get up until 8:30 (goes to bed very late) and then it always takes him a couple hours to get moving well, but he did say I was right - being in the city early to get the shopping done is much less traffic and people to deal with. And was very fast to get the Walmart order. There was only one other car getting their order when we pulled in.

I got the groceries put away and got the bedsheets in the wash. Had lunch, then we played some pool. Then I made the bed. And then took a nap on top with the throw blanket, LOL. Dh decided to go outside and wash the truck, since it's pretty dirty and the weather was almost 50 degrees. Today they are predicting snow.

I watch random videos in like Facebook videos or youtube. A couple are finance/debt advising videos that come through my video feed. One guy is kind of funny. Young and pretty blunt with the people he has on his "show". But what just amazes me is the interest rate these people are paying on credit card debt. Like 30%! Holy cow. I thought it was bad enough when we were in debt (not much cc debt though) and the couple of cc's we had were like 18%. Honestly, it should be illegal for these cc companies to charge people that much, but it obviously isn't a deterrent to not use them. Or they have car loans with 15-20% rates. I'm sure this is a huge reason why so many can't make it anymore. How could you when so much of your income is going to interest payments? And the student loans....just insane. Why why why would someone take out $120,000 in student loan debt to get a job making $35k a year?? Or someone will call into a show and say between them and their spouse they have $300k in student loan debt and then when asked what their annual salaries are, they will say something stupid like "between the 2 of us we make about $85,000....". I get that an 18 -22 year old, most don't have a clue, when they are taking out these loans, but dang. There really needs to be someone saying, "look if you take out $120,000 in loans, it will take you X amount of years to pay this off, just making the minimum payments." Or "you will need to get a job making X in order to make this amount of loan reasonable to take out". 

For dinner last night I made chicken and bacon wraps. I've made them once before and very tasty, but this time I bought the larger burrito sized tortillas and all the ingredients fit much better. The chicken breasts are cooked in the bacon grease (and then sliced into strips) and sure makes a good flavor.  I think tonight I'll make a pizza. I haven't made pizza in a long time.

I want to make something for dessert, but haven't decided what. I find that I need to get it made before  or just after lunch, otherwise I'm too tired by afternoon to feel like making it. Maybe this time I'll do up some peanut butter cookies. I just make those from the Betty Crocker pouch mixes and they are quick and easy to make. I think when dh gets up this morning I'll make us some blueberry muffins. When I was going through my pantry the other day (and tossing out a few old things) I see I have 3 boxes of muffin mix. I always substitute applesauce for the vegetable oil and can tell no difference.

I'm also going to get the chicken coop cleaned out today. It's been nice getting an egg every day again. I wasn't even getting one a day last summer/fall. I only had to buy a dozen with my grocery order, this time. 


  1. I agree with you on the interest rates!! Obviously people are going to use credit regardless, but it is predatory the way these companies behave. I am glad you had a productive Saturday and Sunday!

  2. Tommy and I both have high interest rates on cc, but we pay off each month before interest is added.
    I love the Betty Crocker pouch brownies. I have only used the pb cookie pouch once.
    It seems like every time I see the bed, I want to climb in and often do. Sometimes I go to the bathroom and see the bed and get in and take a nap. Tommy wonders where I have gone and comes to see.
    I knew you would have to be at register to find your discount. It is a bummer.

  3. People say they don't understand how interest rates are but it is written on a bill. They just don't care.
