Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Almost there

Yesterday was uneventful - which was a nice change from lately. No calls to deal with, no emails to deal with, no mail to deal with. It was a beautiful sunny day yesterday and got up to 43 degrees. It's funny, when we were driving around the city on our errands on Friday, we passed a school with the kids out playing at recess. Temp was like 40...maybe, LOL and I said you can tell these are Montana kids - just all in sweatshirts. One kid had shorts on. We never wear heavy winter coats when we are out and about. We get too warm. I never did end up buying a heavy winter coat, like I thought I'd need after moving here. I just wear a lighter weight lined rain type jacket.

I just ordered the tv wall mount apparatus, so we can hang the tv (mom's old tv) on the wall in the bonus room. When we built the house we had them put the plug ins behind hanging a tv on the wall, so there will be no cords to hide. I also just got the blinds ordered for the 2 dormer windows. I was kind of waiting to see if they'd have a better sale going on, but it's been the same sale/discount % the past month or two. I was just going to re-order the same cellular blinds that are in the upstairs bedrooms (same size windows, as well) but when I went to re order they no longer offered the same color "Sandy Beige C5810". It's so hard to tell the colors for sure online (I had ordered several samples before) and I really didn't want to mess with that again) so I just searched the C5810 on their website and found it with their "Deluxe" blinds and not their "Premium" blinds. Both are the same price, so I'm not really sure what the difference is. Plus they changed the name of the color to "Warm bread" (weird name, LOL).

One of DD's and my favorite shows has a new season starting on the 14th - Resident Alien. The trailer for the new season looks good and funny. She said she spent the weekend re-watching the first 2 seasons, LOL.

I've been reading the latest book in the Longmire series. Just a library e-book version. I do have several of the books in my new library and am going to work on getting all of them. It's one of my favorite series (and I loved the tv show). The last of the books I ordered to complete Sue Grafton's Alphabet mysteries arrived yesterday. My bookcases are slowly getting filled up. But I'm still only at like 25% full. A long way to go, haha. At least dd will be able to keep giving me Thriftbooks gift cards as gifts for a long time ;)

Eventually, I plan to get some type of seating (for 4 people) in front of the bonus room tv. I just don't know what yet and so far the theater type seating sure is expensive. Plus, I really want to actually sit in some try it out first and we would have to have some sort of delivery where it gets installed/delivered to the room. There would be no way the 2 of us could do that. We barely got the chairs up, LOL. So, I'm not in any real hurry on this. Plus, it's something that would come out of some of my inheritance.

Speaking of inheritance, my uncle just called me this morning and got another email - this time saying thank you for opening your account with us and sign up for paperless. I advised him to call the lady handling the account set up at the investment office and ask her how he goes about just getting it as a distribution and told him if he's still confused after talking to her let me know and I will help figure it out. So, the good news is his account has been set up! Wooo!. I haven't gotten this email yet, but I'm guessing it's because his (and step siblings) account was set up with the cash mom had in her account and mine is going to get set up with all the stocks she had, which likely takes longer to get transferred over. But, I'm glad to hear his account is set up and hopefully he'll have his money soon.


  1. LOL 40 degrees and no coats - as a Torontonian, I am in my coat at those temps! I am glad Uncle's stuff is coming along - could you update us every day?? LOL! I hope he does let you know once he gets it :)

    1. I am in a coat as well, but kids are good at no coats, LOL. I will probably ask him in about a week, if he hasn't let me know ;)

    2. As a teacher in Southern Ontario I can assure you that many of the kids would ditch their coats at this temperature, given the chance!

  2. The weird thing about your uncle being seemingly desperate for his inheritance is that your mother could have easily outlived him and he would never have gotten anything.

    1. I'm sure I'll never know what he's doing with the money but my bet is on some old car(s). He's always bought and sold cars

  3. My son lost seven coats one year because he would take his coat off as the played at school and left it on the playground. He lost--bearcat jacket, denim jacket, Auburn jacket, heavy winter coat, heavy winter coat from year before, and a thin nylon jacket, nylon jacket that was lined with flannel. I was so exasperated with him. But, all my children were warm-natured, as was I. Daughter moved to NYC and wore tank tops because she was hot. Her husband worried about her. Then, I visited and only had a one-layer coat on. He asked about my winter coat. That was my winter coat. I suppose he learned where she got her hot nature. Both her children are warm-natured, too. Oldest daughter was so hot in school. Little one just followed her lead. By then, I had given up keeping them warm.
    I buy all my winter tops in Spring and Summer when sleeveless and short sleeve blouses are in abundance. I do not wear a long sleeve blouse, ever.
    Practical Parsimony

    1. 7 coats! My mom probably would've killed me for that haha.
