Saturday, February 3, 2024

A good deal

We got a lot accomplished yesterday. First stop was Sportsman's Warehouse to look at a gun safe. When we moved into our little house in town we needed a gun safe, but not really any room much to have one, so he bought a smaller one that fit in our walk in closet. When we built our house we put a closet in his den and then eventually got the hidden bookcase door. The safe is in that closet. He's been out of room with this safe for awhile, so has been looking at getting a bigger safe. (we also, of course, have our important papers stored in it).

Unlike him, he was actually looking at very reasonably priced ones, LOL. They can be very pricey, up in the several thousands. He found a Browning safe model he really liked and Sportsmans had it on sale for $1199. This turned into over an hour long ordeal, haha. Online said they had it in stock. We didn't see it with their safes on display so he asked and there were a few safes up front of the store, it's probably there. We go up with the employee to look at it and at first dh thought it was the same one, and we head back to the back where the gun counter is to get rung up. The guy rings it up and says it's coming up $999...then he realized it wasn't the same safe. We all walked back up to the front again to look and it was a smaller, not as deep safe. Back to the gun counter again. So, they look in their computer again and say ok, we have one in back. DH asks if they can bring it out so he can look inside it and make sure it's the correct one. We wait and wait and wait. Finally a different guy comes out and says well....yes, we found it, but it's one that came to us damaged and we hadn't finished cleaning it up it yet to get on the display floor. DH asks if he could see it anyway and he brings it out. It's the right one, but the inside door stuff has more on it than what was online. It just looks kind of dirty with white spots over a lot of the door. The guy wasn't sure what happened, but it appeared something with the insulation and the white dust was all over it. Dh says that can likely be cleaned up....the guy says we'll sell it to you for $899 and dh says sold! (plus he had $125 in gift cards towards it).

Right after they get that loaded in the back of the pickup I get the notification my Walmart order is ready so we go pick that up. I brought that wrong sized pair of shoes from Kohl's with me so we drove across town to Kohl's and I finally got those returned and credited to me.  We were both hungry for lunch by then, so pulled in McDonalds. Then on our way back across town we stopped at our bank so I could get some cash out for dh to replace in his wallet what he used to pay for that wine barrel cabinet the other day. We were next to Lowe's and dh needed something there, so we ran in there quick. Ended up not being quick because we ran into someone we know and chatted with him awhile.

We get home and dh has been wondering since the night before how he/we were going to get this safe out of the pickup and into the house, LOL. Over 700 pounds (his other safe is like half that weight). The store guys didn't have the box for this safe, but they had taped some cardboard around the back and it pretty easily slid in the truck with that on it. Well, it also slid out onto the tailgate pretty easily. It was pretty heavy getting the bottom of the safe tilted down off the tailgate and onto the ground, but he managed. Then he got it on his hand cart and tied with a strap, just to be safe. He had put some boards at our door threshold so it would hopefully roll over with the cart wheels easily. We got it in the house no problem.

Then somehow I got the task of trying to get it clean! Wait, this is your safe! LOL. His logic was he saved me $300, so I get to clean it. It turns out most of it was just white dust that vacuumed right up/off. A damp towel to the rest and good to go. He was thrilled. Dh was still really curious as to why this safe had a different door set up with the pockets, etc than what was showing online for this safe. It had more to it, so he wasn't complaining, just curious. I said well maybe they used a different door panel inside when they started fixing it?

Well, just a few minutes ago I figured it out. There are apparently 2 different models of this Browning safe. The one he was looking at was just called Browning Yukon Gold 33, but there is another model that is called Browning Yukon Gold 1878-33 and this one has the fancier inside door set up. And it's originally $1750! So, he ended up with this more expensive safe for $899. He's going to be even happier about it, when I get to tell him when he gets up, LOL. All the wait and annoyance of being in the store so long was worth it, in the end. Patience and a little elbow grease paid off.


  1. That was a good deal after very little cleaning. The store could have done that and still gotten a lot nearer their price. At least, you did not have to scrub. I do wonder what happened that insulation was outside. Will it still insulate properly? That was a great savings by just waiting. Does it have to go upstairs?

    1. the guy wasn't sure what happened and we can tell no damage of anything inside. It's a mystery! No, not upstairs, I'm not even sure 2 guys could get it upstairs

  2. Are you putting it in the house? I was afraid our first safe (Canon) was too heavy to go on a second floor, and my contractor agreed. We got the second, larger safe (Liberty) when we built this place, and it had to be bolted to the floor. I actually asked the contractor to handle the second safe...selection, delivery, installation, as he is a firearms expert. He just happened in a Coastal on the way home one day, and phoned me to tell me they were clearing out a floor model, and that was a great price for the Liberty. I told him to work his magic to make it appear. Even paying his guys to get it to us, it was still a great price. He did not charge me for bolting it, as, again firearms are his hobby, so he actually enjoyed helping me with it. Anyway, congratulations on your purchase! That's a great deal!

    1. it's not bolted, but when we built dh knew a gun safe was going in this den closet and had the contractor strengthen the floor support underneath to make sure it can hold the extra weight.
