Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Decluttering and a good laugh

Yesterday was kind of a quiet day. It snowed a little. Enough that dh shoveled the patios and in front of garage and shop, but not enough to worry about plowing. 

I did a bit of clean up in my "wallets" of Paypal and Amazon, to get rid of expired cards, closed cards, a closed bank account. Plus Amazon had a bunch of different prepaid visa cards with zero balances in my wallet. Much less cluttered now.

I placed another order with Thriftbooks. I had a free book credit and bought books on special, so another 5 hardback books coming (these all from the Patricia Cornwell Scarpetta series) for less than $16 total. DH likes to use cotton handkerchiefs instead of tissues and all his are old and wearing thin/out, so I ordered him a new pack of those. I also ordered myself a new pair of earbuds. I ordered some not too long ago, (as my pair stopped working) and tried a cheap pack of 5 on Amazon, but I don't like the rubbery/silicone material the cords are made of, at all. So, I just ordered a different set that is Amazon basics brand. Still cheap, but only one pair for the price I bought that set. I'll just use those as temporary backups when my good set dies.

The copper bistro table top is coming today. That will give dh another little project to do, though it shouldn't take too long to screw the top to the base I bought. But, we may decide to cut down the tube (cast iron) of the base a little bit, so that the stools are a bit better height with the table, but we'll wait and see once it's set up. I'm excited to see the top, though. Since I bought the base and top separate, nothing comes with the screws, but I'm sure he'll have something out in the shop that will work. He has oodles of that kind of stuff in bolt bins. 

Still nothing on the inherited IRA's getting set up yet, so I texted my uncle yesterday that if I don't hear anything more by the end of this week I will reach out to them for a status update. By the end of this week it will be almost 6 weeks since they got the death certificate. I feel like the investment office did a quick job of getting the new account(s) set up, so no delay there, but now it appears their "estate" dept at the corporate office, who processes the distributions, is being waited on. It's either that or maybe they haven't been able to get all my step siblings accounts set up yet...(I just know my uncle's and mine got set up) and that is causing the hold up. I guess I will find out at the end of this week. I'll be a bit mad if it's one of my step siblings holding things up. How hard is it to give them a little bit of info to set up the account and then docusign for it? For someone to give you a bunch of money! LOL.  It literally took me a 5 minute phone call to give her the info she needed over the phone and a minute to do the docusign email she sent me.

Dh's best friend sent him a video. OMG, I laughed so hard. He drag races bikes, but the video was of him a the dragstrip, helping another drag bike racer get staged. Racer stages his bike up to the light and friend is doing whatever it is they do (LOL) and the pavement is sooo sticky with rubber that as friend tries to walk away, his shoes stick to the pavement, right on each side of the bikes front tire! He had to step out of his shoes and walk off in his socks and then after the bike left, he walked back over and had to unstick his shoes. It was so funny to watch.



1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait to see your table! Also, the video would be fun to view.
