Thursday, February 22, 2024

Breadwinners and sticky popcorn

This week is going by fast, it seems. My dd is so funny. She makes a bit more money then her dh (though they both make VERY good money) and it's their company's annual merit raise time. He got notified by his boss yesterday morning of what his new salary will be. DD messages me about it and says "He's the breadwinner again.....for now - haha!". She hadn't heard yet what her raise would be. About an hour or 2 later she messages me again and says "welp, I'm back to being the breadwinner! LOL". Not by much, but between the 2 of them...I just said "Dang!" Combined they are making $225k a year, plus an annual bonus. Other than the cars they have, they live very modestly and put the max they can into their 401k's. While there is a cafe at their office, they almost always take their own breakfast (they start at like 6am) and always pack a lunch. Usually they will premake something on Sunday to last the week and take for lunches. They go out to eat dinner once in awhile, but typically they either have friends over for dinner or go to their houses for dinner.

They recently bought some snow shoes and poles and went out on a hike (is it called a hike in snow shoeing?" in the snow and really enjoyed it. They hike a lot in summer, so this is a good way for them to still get out there in the mountains and she said there were no people out there in winter, LOL

After seeing how not sleeping on my grounding mat for just one night affected me, I ordered the larger bed mat yesterday, so that it will go all the way across our bed and both of us can sleep on it. DH had been teasing me quite a bit and basically saying I'm a kook, but then last night he said "I do want to keep trying the grounding mat, but I don't want you to not have it and start hurting again..." and before he could finish I told him I ordered the bigger bed mat and he said ok, you take your little mat back and I can wait until the other one comes, to start using it regularly and see if it helps.

It was almost 50 degrees yesterday. Such a mild winter we have had.

I see that the cloud computer back up service I have did revise my account to the $10/year plan. I need to check, but I think this will only cover one computer, so I may need to actually purchase another of the same plan to cover both computers, but $20 a year is still much better than $100 a year. 

I found another use for the white chocolate syrup. I made some popcorn for us last night and in my bowl, I drizzled some of the syrup over the popcorn. Very yummy, though a bit sticky on the fingers, LOL.

We are low on groceries and out of milk, so are planning to go in Saturday and get stocked back up. I'm using my shelf stable milk right now. Good to have on hand and needs to be used/rotated through within 6 months anyway. But, at least having this shelf milk is now letting me make it the rest of the week, until we go to Walmart again. 

One of the stocks in my mom's IRA portfolio (still not processed by their estate dept yet) is Nvidia. I can't remember when it got purchased, around 3 years ago. 100 shares for $126 per share. Today they are worth $778 a share (and climbing). That was a good purchase decision by her investment guy. Actually, I think it was his son, who is being groomed to fully take over, who recommended that purchase a few years ago. It sure will be nice to see all this in MY inherited IRA, if they ever get it transferred over, LOL. (I say this tongue in cheek, à la uncle)


  1. It sounds like your daughter and sil are not only well-paid, but smart about their spending. Taking food is so much cheaper and healthier. A car bought new and kept for years is still a good way to spend money.
    Tommy has drunk shelf-stable milk I bought when he ran out of milk. I mentioned I needed to get more and he is adamant he will not drink 'that stuff.' It is $1 at Dollar Tree.

    1. DD has a new car, the rest are used, but her dh does like his fast "muscle" cars (he has 2) and they have a truck they use a lot. There is a bit of a different taste to the shelf milk, that I can't pinpoint what it is, but it tastes ok and is fine for my use.

    2. Linda - nothing is $1 at the Dollar Tree here anymore. I now refer to it as the "DollarAndAQuarter Tree" because they went up on their prices, and also have a $3, $5, and $10 section.

  2. LOL! That's a great back and forth between DD and her husband. No kids certainly helps the continued savings now but that income is awesome! I knew DH would come around to the grounding mat ;)

  3. Well done to your daughter and SIL for having such wise heads on good solid shoulders! You can have tons of fun without spending loads of money and they are obviously very wise to that. For me, the biggest saving was always taking my own breakfast, lunch and drinks to work. When I saw how much my colleagues spent buying that stuff it blew my mind and in any case my food was "free" 'cos it was all just leftovers!
