Friday, February 9, 2024

TGIF, as always :)

It now sounds like, while the beneficiaries inherited IRA accounts got set up, no monies/stocks have transferred into them yet. I got 2 identical notifications in the mail saying my account contact information has been updated and to log in to review, with a partial account ending in the last 4 numbers. I also got a statement on my mom's account for January. So, I emailed the girl at the office and she then initiated an email that lets me activate my account for online, but I needed my full account number to do that, which I don't have yet. So, a phone call with her, I got the account number and she said when I log in it will still be showing a $0 balance because the estate dept hasn't processed the estate paperwork yet. So, I'm guessing uncle is still waiting on his money, too. LOL. Poor guy.

My mail informed delivery for today is showing an envelope from the memory care, so I'm hoping that is the prorated refund on the rest of her January rent/care. 

I finished the book I was reading and started a new book yesterday. I'm trying to get back into reading again. I got busy for a few months watching tv shows in the evening and haven't been reading. 

Almost the weekend. I'm ready for it. I think I will make a cake and also make some of the soft ice cream, since I bought a couple extra cartons of heavy cream last week. I'm not ready to try chocolate chip cookies again, haha.

A little bit snowing today, but nothing major predicted. And now most of it has already melted off.

What are your weekend plans?


  1. You inspired me to make chocolate chip pan cookies earlier in the week. They were a hit! I found some Pink Lady apples for $0.50/lb, so I am going to spend this afternoon making an apple pie. I should make some ice cream too, because I have an amazing ice-cream/gelato maker, but as we still ha e the better part of a carton of Umpqua brand, I think I will hold off! Happy Friday!

    1. I wish I could say you inspire me to make an apple pie from scratch! LOL! But, that isn't happening haha!! I'll bet your pie is delicious.

    2. It's very easy: Simply stir together 5-8 peeled, sliced apples (based on size) 1/3- 2/3 cups brown sugar, (based on apple variety) 1/4 cup flour, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, nutmeg, 1/4 teaspoon ginger, dash salt, pour into crust. (The ginger is optional...we like it, but it's not in the original recipe.)
      If I am using apples gleaned from our trees, I don't bother to peel them, I just cut a them slices, then cut away the peel and core. (And sometimes I do that with store bought apples!) Yeah, they won't win awards for appearance--some people, some I even know__arrange their apple slices so beautifully and symmetrically, only to top them with a crust. I say "ain't nobody got time for that!"

  2. Your uncle is probably having dying duck fit over a $0 balance. Maybe the neighbor will revive him.

    1. Since both Sat and Sun will be very rainy, we will probably be here in the house. So, napping and maybe coloring my hair are likely to happen. Tonight, I am cooking hamburgers and onions for a burger. I may use bread since I have no buns. A smidgen of decluttering may happen. We will be 70 tomorrow, so hard to stay in.
      Practical Parsimony
      Practical Parsimony.

    2. I'm sure he is having fits, LOL

  3. My sister turned 40 this week so it's a big family dinner for her tonight :)! I woke up early and now I have done a bunch of chores before 10am, it feels great. I wish I could harness this feeling forever (or more regularly) I am so glad everything continues to go smoothly in terms of your mom's accounts etc.

    1. I have chores I really need to attend to today, mostly vacuuming and I'd better get to it before my back decides otherwise.
