Friday, February 16, 2024

A link and fabulous Friday

Someone asked for a link to the grounding mat. This is where I got mine from  A friend has ordered some for her and her husband and I'm anxious to get her feedback on it.

The blinds I ordered for the bonus room 2 windows arrived, so dh got those installed. We are often up there at night, with the lights on, playing pool, so it will be nice to be able to pull the blind down with the window that is facing the main road out front, if we want. Next up for that room will be some seating, for 4, for in front of the tv. I'll probably figure out something on that in another month or so. It is something I want to get with some of my inheritance money and I'm guessing it should be available in a month or so? Who knows!

The money for the inherited IRA's still has not processed. The estate dept is at the corporate office, not the "local" office that set up the accounts and handles the investing/personal side of it all. The small office has done what they can do, for their part, now they just have to wait for corporate to get through the estate dept process. They don't have any control over when that happens. I'm sure my uncle is having fits and will be calling me again about it. I'll probably just preempt him today with a quick text that just says they are still being processed, I don't have a date.

We finally got a decent amount of snow last night. Not a lot, but enough that dh will shovel and likely plow. I think he's expecting a friend to stop by today, so unless it warms up to melt, which it's not supposed to, he'll probably get the driveway and street plowed. The temps are supposed to get down into the teens the next 2 nights.

I got another egg yesterday. Woo! LOL. I was laughing, saying they must have liked the spaghetti noodles I gave them. I gave them some and the next day got 2 eggs. Forgot to give them the rest the next day and no egg and then remembered Wednesday and then got an egg yesterday. Maybe I just need to make a batch of spaghetti noodles for them, haha. When I'm giving the noodles to them I say "here's your spaghetti worms!".

For some reason it's seemed like a long week, so I'm glad it's Friday. I just opened my last carton of milk this morning. We were going to try to make it 3 weeks before having to get groceries again, but might have to be 2 1/2 weeks, haha. I do have some of the shelf stable milk I want to use up some, since it's only supposed to be good for 6 months, I'll need to rotate it in and use it every so often anyway.

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