Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Accounts closed and revised

The check I deposited into my Chase checking has finally cleared and I just did an electronic transfer to move it to my regular checking, which usually takes 1 day. Then I called and closed the account.

I have this annual subscription to a cloud computer back up service to back up our computers. I've had it 2 years, It was a special offer the first year of only $7.95. Then last year was regular annual price of $79.50. This covers backing up both our computers. Now I just got an email that it's going up to $99.50 per year. Ya.....I don't think so.  It's for 5 TB and between the 2 of us we are only using like 3% of that! I see on their website they have "mini" plans that fall into the amount we back up for only $10/mo, but when I got into my account online, there were only options to upgrade, not downgrade. So,  I got into a chat screen and now it's being downgraded to $10 a year. I logged back in after we finished chatting and it's still showing the higher priced plan, so I will have to keep an eye on it, before it renews on March 7th to make sure the change took effect.

I moved the grounding mat over to dh's side of the bed last night for him to give a try for awhile. I'm even more convinced it works. Because around 2am my right leg started aching again (as it used to do every night) and it didn't hurt the whole time I was using the mat. I didn't sleep very good at all. I want my mat back!! LOL. I've been up over 2 hours and my leg is still aching. He's not up yet this morning, so no report yet on him. But, even if it helps him, I have a feeling he's not going to admit it.  After he got up I went downstairs and brought the mat up to put under my desk and sit with my feet on it awhile and see if my leg ache goes away.

Oh - and guess who texted me again yesterday about his inheritance.........this was his text:

And I got a whole bunch of stuff from Charles Schwab doesn't make any sense to me so let me know when you know something for me okay thanks I read all the pages didn't help LOL

My reply:

I haven't received anything more yet and nothings been updated on my account online they set up. Still at zero. They won't be updating me on you or the other beneficiaries, as these inherited accounts are each beneficiaries private accounts now. I did look at my calendar this morning and it's only been a little over 3 weeks since they got the death certificate and started the process. I'm sure it takes time. If I get any more mail or emails from them I'll let you know

I do see in my informed delivery I have another something in the mail from the investment company, probably what he got yesterday and doesn't know what it is. I seem to be a day or two behind him on getting mail on this stuff. So far it's just a lot of account disclosure type stuff. His not understanding what this stuff is is giving me flashbacks to a few years ago with my mom. (after moving her here and already knew she was starting to have memory problems) and she would get stuff like this in the mail and not know what it was and would call and ask me about it. Or she'd get an insurance explanation of benefits paid on her prescriptons in the mail, you know where 3 of the 4 pages is just legal fine print stuff, and I'd have to explain to her every time what it was and that she didn't need to keep it.


  1. I cannot wait to hear if DH finds the grounding mat useful. As for Uncle, I don't think he has what your mom has. I think he just wants to know when it is coming, lol.

    1. I was literally just saying, either he's not understanding or he's just using it as an excuse to keep asking, which is more likely what is going on.

    2. he can literally just ask the neighbour too. he may not understand their paperwork but he understands the $$$ is coming so that is why he is calling you.
