Friday, February 23, 2024

Quick Friday update

I've got my Friday workday over half over. It's a bit quieter, email wise, as my boss has the day off, LOL. Another week gone by and still nothing new on the "when is uncle going to get his inheritance" news. Ya, I'd like to know, too,  LOL, but it'll get done when it gets done. Though, I had to say when the girl told me it would be about a 3 week process, I figured it would be completed by now.

The copper bistro table top I ordered finally shipped out today, so that made me happy. The larger grounding mat for our bed also shipped yesterday. I am most anxious for that to get here and get dh started on sleeping on it. 

We're going into the city in the morning to get our grocery order picked up. We made it a day over 3 weeks since the last trip. I'm trying to get a little more milk with this order and see if that gets me through 3 weeks. When my cart showed almost $400 I kind of freaked out, but then when I realize it is for 3 weeks, that still keeps me way in my budget for food and supplies for a month. I budget $600 a month, so $400 for 3 weeks works out to about $533 for a month. This almost $400 order for tomorrow also includes stocking up on some pantry items that will last much longer than 3 weeks and won't need to be purchased for awhile again.

But, first we are going to stop in at Sportsman's Warehouse when they open up at 9am. I saw via an email they are having a customer balloon discount giveaway to the first 300 customers, with discounts inside the balloons up to 100% off - off of a max of $5000! Might as well try to stop in and see if we can each get a balloon and maybe get lucky. The minimum discount is 5%. Dh needs a couple boxes of ammo, so at a minimum we'll at least save 5% on it. If by chance we won the 100% off coupon, I have no idea what we'd buy, LOL. He'd probably buy guns and we'd stock up on some clothes and shoes.

I have no idea what to make for dinner tonight. Maybe we'll just have some grilled cheese sandwiches. Depends on how hungry dh is, I guess. Nothing much sounds good to me, today. Or maybe I'll defrost a bit of chicken breast to make some chicken quesadillas. I don't have any of the pico de gallo to add, but it would still taste ok.

DH put his old gun safe on Marketplace last night. No interest yet, but maybe we'll get it sold and put a bit of money back in our pocket. Would be nice if it sold, for the money and the space it would free.

That's about all I have for today.


  1. Do you have even some of the ingredients for pico de gallo?
    I cannot wait to see your table. Is the new gun safe installed? If so, I must have missed that.
    Wonder why uncle is not calling?

    1. I have some onion left, but I am completely out of tomatoes, so I couldn't even put those 2 ingredients together for some pico. I ended up making french toast for dinner, LOL. DH put the new safe in his closet behind the hidden bookcase door as soon as we got home with it and the old, smaller gun safe is out in his shop. Maybe uncle finally got the hint that I don't know/control when this inheritance will get processed.
