Thursday, February 8, 2024

Waiting on the mail

We keep getting a little dusting of snow each night and then it melts off during the day. When I went to walk down to the mailbox yesterday morning, there was one little icy spot on our driveway that I almost slipped on. I could just see myself falling and getting hurt - all to mail this little $33 check for my mom's insurance.

The investment office does this weekly newsletter via email that has always gone to my mom's email. I must be closer to getting my account set up as the newsletter went to my email this morning. In my informed delivery, for today, I also see there are quite a few envelopes coming in today's mail from the investment company, either address to my moms IRA or addressed to me. I'm guessing one is a final statement of some sort on my mom's account. Hopefully the rest is my account is now set up. My mom's state income tax refund got put into her(our/my) checking this morning. One more item checked off my list. As far as I know, the remaining items are her federal refund, her refund from memory care and a repayment of her final social security payment, which appears will come in my name, via the mail, at some point.

I was trying to login into my 401k to take a look at my balance and the web address is coming up bad, even on 2 different browsers, so I just messaged my boss to ask if maybe it got changed and I just missed that notice. Apparently it did. I know I logged into it in December, but the link to it must have changed last month and I missed that with all that was going on. I'm also upping my contribution to my 401k per paycheck.

Not much else new going on. I'm making my way through eating my apple pie, LOL. Sometimes with a bit of vanilla ice cream, sometimes not. 


  1. But did your uncle get his money?! Lol! I am so glad everything is moving along well, and you don't have the extra stressors of emptying a house, filing for probate or anything.

    1. I sure hope he did! I know an account got set up, at least, haha. No call from him today...yet....;)

  2. I think I would email uncle if he calls to call whatever number. lol

    I know it is sad having to do all this stuff since her death. But, when nothing comes for her, it seems like it will be even sadder, sort of a confirmation that it is all over.

    On the internet, I saw mourning jewelry, so to speak, for holding ashes. It reminded me that you said you were going to look for something to put her ashes into. Did you find anything?

    1. I just got her ashes in a basic urn and we will be spreading them into the river on Mother's Day. I don't have any desire to keep the ashes or have any of it made into something. I have other things of hers that give me memories.

  3. You will also get a $255 death benefit check from social security. Call them to set up a phone appointment so they can verify information.

    1. I don't believe I will get that. My understanding on the eligibility for that is it goes to spouses, minor children, or dependent children.
