Tuesday, February 6, 2024

More annoyance

I think my uncle is going to drive me nuts, LOL. So, the investment office is working with their corporate office estate dept to get our inherited IRA's set up. Yesterday morning I got another document emailed to sign via docusign. It was normal stuff,  an "advisory agreement" stating I am allowing them to oversee the account, make trades, etc and the fee. 

A few hours later I get another call from my uncle and let it go to voicemail. He says he's at his neighbors with his laptop and he's helping him, can I talk him back? ok...(I'm thinking they want help on how to do the docusign) and I call him back a couple minutes later and he says just a sec, I need to walk back to the neighbors. He puts me on speaker phone and the neighbor says "ya, he's just wondering if you have a date on when he'll get the inheritance". Seriously?!! I just said well, I don't really know a date, but last week they said it usually takes about 3 weeks to get the process done. Then in the background my uncle says "I don't care how long it takes"....Then I say that I got another email today with a document to sign, did you get that email? And the neighbor says yes, he got that and I helped him submit that and we got the confirmation email. I just said ok, that's really all I know, is that they are working on it and it just takes a bit of time.

Then a few minutes later my uncle texts me that sorry, he doesn't care how long it will take - he just needs his neighbor to help with the emails/docusign, because he doesn't know how to do it himself. So, when I called him back and he was already back at his house, why didn't he just ask me (again) if I knew how long it was going to take because he's using his neighbor for help? Why walk back next door and have your neighbor ask me how long it's going to take? So weird! Like I said, he's got this money already spent and is doing his best to try to find out when. Well, then ask the dang investment office yourself. Geez. Of course I didn't say that in the text reply back. I just said no worries. I'm guessing this should be available in the next couple of weeks.

And OMG - I just wanted to pay my mom's last $33 insurance bill over the phone! I called and tried their over the phone automated service and again, it says the zip code I am entering is wrong, I call back and finally get through to a live person and explain and ask can I pay over the phone? Yes, let me transfer you to that dept. And.....I get the recording to use the automated service again. Dumb me calls back and again finally gets through to a live person. Yes, she can take my payment over the phone. What's the zip code? Well, apparently she was using the same system the automated uses and it's not accepting the zip code. Is there another zipcode? No, just this one, LOL. Then she gets another dept on the line and that is the zip code they have for the account. Neither could figure out what is going on. Finally, they figure it must be because her account is closed, so I have to mail a check in. I should have just written a check in the first place. I was on hold and on the phone for a half hour. I should have just given up, but by then I was vested in this LOL! 

Then in yesterdays mail was something from social security saying their records show my mom is deceased and due a payment and a form to fill out to claim it and 5 days to mail it in. So.....why did they take back her January SS payment out of her checking then? I'm so confused, LOL. Well, at least I have 2 things to mail this morning. I'll wait until it gets light out, but need it out there by 9am at the latest.

I also see that the state has processed my mom's state tax refund, so that is great. It's not in the bank account yet, but should be by tomorrow. The IRS says that return is being processed. I'm also still waiting on a refund on the prorated amount from memory care.

I got an email after I placed the order for the copper table top that they have it in stock and I won't have to wait 6-8 weeks. Yay!

The group of 6 deer that started coming to our yard every night had 2 smaller/younger deer. The past couple of weeks it has just been the 2 smaller deer coming by themselves. We haven't seen the rest. Mr Neighbor said they had seen the older ones trying to paw and push the 2 younger ones away. DH thought it was one of these 2 younger deer (that he had dubbed "the twins") that got hit by the car, but right around dinner time yesterday the twins showed up again. While it's so sad that a deer got hit and killed by a car, it was a relief to see it wasn't one of the twins.


  1. I hope this neighbour has good intentions. It's obvious your uncle is concerned about the $$, but it is odd considering he has no wife and kids to give it to and he seems to be managing well with what he has so far (being a disabled vet and all :p) I am glad your table top is coming sooner rather than later!

    1. DAN obviously needs the money from selling that house to start building, or he would have started by now - or at least had a well dug (especially as it's like a year long wait to get on the schedule for having a well dug). Yes, my uncle should be getting by fine with that disability benefit, social security, and retirement savings, haha.

    2. One,
      What is this about DAN? I reread the post and see no mention of him?

    3. One Family - jj meant uncle's neighbor when they said they hope the neighbor has good intentions. Not DAN.

      Actually, that was my first thought, too. Uncle's neighbor may have dollar signs in his own eyeballs thinking of money that's coming to uncle. There's no telling what he's worked out with uncle to rid him of a good hunk of that money.

    4. I must have been commenting on another post where I mentioned DAN and got it on the wrong comment! I'm hoping my uncle's own greediness and "shysterness" will keep him from getting taken advantage of with his money.

  2. Possibly your uncle has the beginning stages of dementia. He seems to have poor short term memory. Why not send him a sheet of paper in the mail that says in large letters “ your inheritance should arrive by xxx” and make the date at least a month later than what you think it will be. He can then have a paper to refer to. Who has he set up to inherit his money and who has POA for his medical care? Maybe the neighbor is who he has chosen.

    1. DD asked me that same question about his beneficiary yesterday, because that was the first info I was asked for when she called to start getting mine set up. He would need my ss# and didn't ask me for it. It's also very possible he just listed his "estate" as the beneficiary. My guess is he did that, as I'm 99% sure he's going to take it all out at once, anyway. Not my business to ask.

    2. I meant to add, another reason I wouldn't ask him is because I don't trust his answers to be 100% truthful anyway. Too much experience with him over the years, LOL.

  3. My understanding is that a person receiving Social Security benefits is due a payment in the month of death (because they were alive the entire previous month and Social Security is paid in arrears). Social Security is not allowed to pay out to a deceased person, however, so they will take back any money that was paid after the date of death and send the type of form that you received. My dad's payment date was the 3rd of the month and he died on the 5th, so they didn't claw back the payment. But if he had died on the 1st or 2nd, they would have.

    1. that makes sense, thank you for the explanation!

  4. Just remember uncle is 80 and wants his money before he dies😂.

    1. Very understandable, LOL, but dang - give it time to all get processed. I've never heard of anyone getting an inheritance in a matter of weeks. My boss said it took her 4 weeks for the state to get her her dh's death certificate.

  5. Maybe he is getting confused and excitable as his memory may be slipping. Maybe he just hopes he will get a better answer if he keeps asking. You know there are people like that! If he advertises he is getting this money, he will have friends, and friends of friends who will want to get their hands on a bit of it. I knew a man who targeted older people, really helped them out, and then they 'gave' him stuff.

  6. Oh, meant to say that I cannot wait to see your table top and table. Do deer chase away young deer? Or, were they discouraging nursing?

    1. I don't think the twins are young enough to be nursing and we're not sure why they have ended up on their own. Mr Neighbor said they'd never seen them get pushed away, either. I'd say they were probably fawns last year.

  7. I bet you're really glad you're administratively minded aren't you!!! I'm having security cameras installed this morning and they need all kinds of info which, thankfully, I am able to find easily. I may not be creative but being organized certainly has its upsides!

    1. That's true, it does sure help. I'm also not the type to procrastinate on stuff like that. I take care of it all right away. But, I can't make the whole process go any faster. I want to say to my uncle "it hasn't even been a month yet!" LOL
