Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Better light

When I got the light for over the pool table, I didn't realize when ordering it, that it really needed a "shade" inside to diffuse the light. I decided to try some lampshade "paper" that I ordered off Amazon, hopefully to somehow adhere to the inside of the light. It was coming from China, so weeks to get here. Then I got an email saying it appears your order was lost in transit, so I could either cancel or they could resend it, so I had them resend it and it finally came last week.

Dh took a look at it Sunday night. It's kind of a thick, almost plastic like "paper". He went to work figuring how how to install it and came up with a plan, that he worked on yesterday and got it attached with some thin double sided sticky roll of tape he had. It is so much better with the light diffused now! You can look at the lamp and not get blinded, haha. Plus the design shows up much better.



It looks better in person, than it shows up in the picture. It does make it nicer while playing pool, as if I happen to look across the table at dh (who's head height is up near the light height) I was getting blinded by the light bulbs.

The bigger grounding mat for our bed arrived yesterday. I don't think I've ever been so excited to get something! LOL. Hopefully dh gets as much benefit from it as I have. Now that I have the smaller mat to use and also some "foot" bands came with the bigger mat as a free gift, I'm going to try those during the day, while working at my desk. 

I have canceled out a few credit cards recently. They are one's I got for the rewards and now don't use the cards, so good to have them now closed and not have to check them online every month to make sure no fraud ever gets used on them. Two were kind of a pain to close - they keep trying to talk you out of it. But, Wells Fargo was quick and easy. I'm sure my credit score will take a hit, but I don't plan on needing any credit for the near (and far, haha) future, and it will bounce back quickly.


  1. The lighting looks gorgeous. Your always comes together wonderfully. Good job on the credit card cancellations, you don't need so many open anyway!

  2. That looks REALLY NICE with that filter in there.

  3. Love the light. The paper worked great. It looks like a type of vellum. It did make a huge difference and I'm sure it's much nicer for shooting pool. Ranee (MN)

    1. It's nicer for how the light is now distributed and also makes the fixture look better when the lights are either on or off.

  4. When I looked at the picture, I was not impressed at all. Then, I realized the second picture was the 'after' picture. It looks great!

  5. The improved version of the light makes a huge difference. Nice job,dh!
    I've scaled down our cc's to just what we use on a regular basis. Identity theft scares me.
