Sunday, February 4, 2024


I used to use imitation vanilla extract because I was too cheap (and poor) to spend for real vanilla extract and I guess I had never really tried real vanilla to know the difference. Then several years ago I made some homemade vanilla extract bottles to give as gifts and kept one for myself, but I've used that up. (well, I added some more vodka to the beans, but the bottle needs to sit for another 6 months or so, now). I recently bought a tiny 1 oz bottle of real vanilla extract at our town store for over $6 (I was in a pinch, so had to spend their high price). With my last shopping order I decided to get some more vanilla as I figured Walmart will be much cheaper. Even the Great Value brand is $3 an ounce. I looked on Amazon and came across this Mexican vanilla and it's good reviews

And the price is so cheap. Walmart carries it, too, so I got a bottle with my order to try. It smells really good and I used some in chocolate chip cookies yesterday. I found it a great vanilla and even better - it's only .19 cents per ounce. The whole 8.4 oz bottle only cost $1.58! What?! It says it's made from real vanilla and vanillin. I suppose expert bakers wouldn't use this, but for my baking it's 100% ok and will be my go to vanilla from now on. I'm also going to give it a try in my homemade vanilla coffee creamer.

Ok, we ate on the cookie dough a bit and then I made cookies. Of course they turned out flat flat flat. I first tried on one of my cookie sheets with the silicone mat. The next group I tried with chilled dough and the 3rd group I tried with a different cookie sheet. Same result. 

So, today I'm making an apple pie, so I have some dessert to snack on. Dh likes the flat, crunchy cookies, so he can have them. 

I want to order the copper table top for the pub/bistro table, but I just cannot decide on the size. They offer 20" and 24" (and other sizes that are too small or too big) and I just cannot decide which size I want there at that window. I think 20" will be big enough and it's $100 cheaper, but I'm worried it will end up being too small. I guess I need to find old cardboard and make some circles those sizes and see if that helps me decide. I want to get this on order, because it takes like 6-8 weeks to get the table top. 

The weather cooled down some and the rain turned into a bit of snow this morning. Pretty white outside, again.


  1. Is your baking powder old? That would make flat cookies.

    1. If she is using the very popular Tollhouse recipe, it doesn't call for baking powder. I have been using that recipe for decades, and it's only been the past two years I have encountered a problem with the cookies spreading, and ONLY with chocolate chip cookies. I almost wonder if the chocolate chips themselves have been modified somehow to cause this.

    2. I did use the tollhouse recipe and it called for baking soda, w which is fairly new and I keep in a airtight container. I'm starting to wonder if so much of the food has been modified. I come across others saying their baking isn't coming out the same (like with sugar cookies) like it used to for years with no issues.

    3. I'm assuming there is also a difference between pure vanillan and synthetic vanillan. From what I read pure vanillan is used in real vanilla extract. The synthetic is used in imitation.

    4. I’ve noticed this, and other choc chip cookie recipes are coming out different (flatter) for me too! I think you might be on to something with the ingredients changing. Ugh. So frustrating. I used to get some great looking cookies. For the past year or so- they’ve been flat and blah looking.

    5. I wish we could figure out what's causing it! I used to make the tollhouse lots years ago and they never turned out like this.

    6. I know I've seen a lot of bakers talking about how the about of water has changed in butter (aka there is more water in butter) and that is causing a lot of baked goods to have issues

  2. Maybe you forgot the baking powder in this batch. Did you know vanillin can trigger migraines and contact dermatitis? I still use real vanilla extract. For banana bread, I bought the miniatures of rum.

    1. this recipe called for baking soda, which I did add. Neither of us has come down with a headache/migraine. Maybe that is for people who already get migraines?

  3. What IS IT with chocolate chip cookies lately? I am a fairly experienced baker, and the last half dozen or so....more even, chocolate chip cookies come out flat, or flatter than I like. My recipe is the basic Tollhouse recipe: 1 cup butter, 3/4 cup each brown, white sugar, 2 eggs, vanilla, 2 1/4 cup flour, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp baking soda. I have had some success by increasing the flour to 2 1/2 cups, and using parchment paper. Also, smaller scoops of dough work rounded teaspoon. Overall though, I have gone off chocolate chip cookies because of this. It's only been a problem the last couple of years.
    Anyway, here are tips:
    1) Do not melt the butter. In fact, cold butter is best. Cut it in slices before adding it.
    2) Substitute Crisco (BLECH) for half the butter
    3) Add 1 tsp baking powder to the recipe
    4) Make the pan variety instead. (This is what I do now, These always turn out well, and are much easier.)

    1. I didn't melt the butter. Just let it set out long enough to get a bit soft (and I even tried chilling the dough). I've had success with the pan variety and like that just as well, but for some weird reason dh doesn't like the pan kind. I think I'm done trying chocolate chip cookies :/

    2. I follow several baking forums and most think it’s a different butter issue and not always the most expensive helps. (Thinking more water content) some readers have said adding a very small amt (tsp ?but it’s varied) of cornstarch which makes sense (absorbing liquid). Why do industries monkey with ingredients or package sizing. People aren’t dumb I’d rather pay the little more.

    3. I've been reading different recipes to try and one did say add some cornstarch. My other issue is Campbell's tomato soup! We have had that for dinner every so often for 40 years (and growing up before that) and now every single time I try to make it the milk curdles and I've tried 3 different kind of milk (including the milk I'd used for years).

  4. I’ve bought Mexican vanilla for over 30 years. I get it from Mexico and it’s so cheap. A huge bottle (size of a bottle of alcohol) is like $10-$15. We used to go every couple years, but now either my Ds and dil go, or I know someone else that’s going. Dh goes for meetings every once in awhile too. Good vanilla makes a big difference in baking.


  5. My CCC is 1 Tsp of Baking Soda, 1/2 tsp of baking powder. One cup each of sugar and light brown sugar. Dash of salt. One cup of butter and 2 eggs and 3 cups of flour. I sift the flour and baking soda and baking powder together, add pinch of salt. Cream butter, sugar and add eggs and vanilla. I teaspoon but use 2 all the time. Add dry ingredients. I've tried so many chocolate chip cookies recipes and this is the very best I've tried and have used it for over 3 yrs. You can chill the dough for about 30 mins and then scoop! Delish. convection oven 350- I start with 10 mins and if need more adjust.
    Of course you know all of this! LOL But I have had my cookies spread badly but not with this recipe. Good luck!
    Oh and sugar cookies.... I came across Two Sisters Sugar Cookies... this is amazing! Makes a lot though so be ready to give them out!
    Have fun! :)

    1. I bought a large bag of choc chips, so I should give your recipe a try next time!

  6. Are you high enough that you need to make altitude adjustments in your recipe? I am baffled on the flat cookie issue. As for the vanilla, I buy it at Costco and where I live it's less than $1 per ounce for a 16 oz. bottle. That lasts us about a year, so worthwhile investment.

    1. We're at 2700 ft, so not supposed to need to adjust. I don't have any problems with cakes or muffins

    2. I didn't think you were that high, but it's such an odd thing to happen.

  7. My colleague brought us all actual vanilla sticks back from Tahiti one time so I used a few seeds and put the stems in my sugar jar. One of my kids came running in one day to tell me there was a creepy crawly in the sugar jar!!! It really makes the sugar smell (and taste) nice, although maybe you wouldn't always want vanilla flavoured sugar in everything!

    1. I haven't heard of using the vanilla bean sticks that way, but I'll bet it did smell good. I did buy vanilla beans and put them in cute jars with vodka for like 6 months and then had vanilla extract
