Friday, February 2, 2024

A day off for errands

I've decided to take today off work. There's nothing urgent going on and we have some errands we'd like to get done today in the city and too many to do it as a long lunch break. And while we are there, might as well get groceries again, tomorrow will be 2 weeks since our last order. I was kind of surprised there was a pick up time between noon and 1pm (or anytime after), so I quickly got an order added this morning, so I could get the time reserved. 

Another call from my uncle yesterday. I can't remember now exactly what he asked me, but something to do with letting his accountant know he's getting this money. I (again) explained to him that this money is in an IRA, so has never been taxed and will be taxed upon distribution, so he may want to talk to his accountant about the tax implications. I told him he has 3 options with this money: take it all at once as a distribution, take it out in smaller amounts, but he has to have it all taken out within 10 years, or if he wants to leave some in the account, he can also chose to move the account to a different investment company. He then asked how much it might be. I told him I don't know the exact amount yet, but it should be around $40,000. He said "oh wow. That's a lot". I can't figure him out, LOL. Then I said I don't know for sure how long it's going to take to get the inherited accounts set up. I asked the girl working on it and she wasn't sure, but thought it shouldn't take more than a few weeks. He then says "oh, I don't care how long it takes". Sure......that's why you are the only one who has been asking me about this money since a week after she died, LOL. I'm hoping these accounts will all get set up next week and then I only have my own account to worry about.

I found the pub/bistro table I want. I have a few choices from who to order it from and pricing. It's a metal base table with a copper top. In my searching I've realized I can purchase the base from one place and get the top for almost half the price, from another place. No matter if I order it all complete from one place or separate, the copper top is considered made to order and either place will take like 7 weeks. So, I might as well save a bunch and order them separate. I think it will tie in good with my kitchen copper sink and all the wood we have going on.

It's February already and February always seems to go by fast. Tomorrow would have been my grandpa's birthday, born in 1917. Our birthdays were a week a part and when I was growing up we always did a family birthday party together and shared a cake. 


  1. Oh Uncle, lol. I wonder how much would go away to tax? I guess it's to figure out which withdrawal style works for him. I sure am glad it's not everyone calling you about the $$$. Enjoy your day off!

    1. I don't know what his tax bracket/income is, but I'm guessing most of it would likely be taxed at 12%

  2. I would have had to comment that, "Yes, with all she gave you, you got a lot of money from her." I wonder what he did with the money he was 'holding' for her.

    1. Good memory! I've wondered the same thing and never believed that story for a minute. I think he probably knew I knew she gave it to him, so he was trying to cover and make it sounds like he was "holding" it for her.

  3. Your uncle is so obvious but he thinks he's not. lolol

    1. Probably why he's been divorced 3x, haha. I'm sure at some point they could see right through him and got tired of it.
