Saturday, February 17, 2024

Patience is a virtue

My plan to text my uncle yesterday, later morning, that I still don't know anything about his money, got derailed by work and then sure enough, my phone rang with you know who asking if there's an update. OMG! Like my half sis said "he's gone his whole life with out that money - he can't wait a month or two? Geez!"  Can you imagine if the inheritance had to go through a will probate that would likely take 6-18 months?? I probably would have had to block his number LOL! If he asks me again, I'm just going to tell him to call the investment company and ask them, because at this point I am just a beneficiary like him and my step siblings are and I don't know anymore than him or them what is going on with it and how long it will take. And like my daughter said - he's called more times since my mom died then he's called in the last 4 years to check on her!

When I got the refund check for the prorated memory care (the check was made out to me). I was going to mobile deposit it in my checking, but the limit is $2500. I could have mailed it to my bank the next day, but I really hate doing that (plus I didn't want to walk on ice all the way down to our mailbox) so I mobile deposited it into my other checking account with Chase. I have had this checking account since I was 16 years old and got my first job. 44 years now! They put a hold on the check for almost 2 weeks. Good grief. I called on Thursday to ask if they could release the hold and got transferred to someone on their "hold dept". She apparently had to try to call the maker of the check to verify it's legit, but got a voicemail. She said I could call back another time and they could try again. I said no thanks. I've been a customer for 44 years. If you can't remove a hold on a $2800 check then I'll just wait until it's available and I'll be calling back to close out my account. After we moved here, I had to open a checking with a different bank, because Chase isn't in this state, but I kept the Chase account open just for sentimental reasons. I've had this same checking account # all these years. I have it set up so $250 per paycheck gets auto deposited in the account, so that I keep it open and no fees. But, I usually don't keep much in there, as I then usually either use the money in my monthly budget or transfer it to my savings where I earn interest. I had just wanted to keep this open since I had it so long, but if they have no loyalty to me, there is no reason I need to have any loyalty to their business. Besides.......they aren't the bank that called and wished me a happy birthday!! LOL!

And since I was in a phone calling mood, I then made calls to cancel 2 credit cards I never use anymore and don't need. The first one was AmEx and I was on hold longer than I talked to the customer service rep, but after I declined a couple of times to keep the card open, he finally closed it. The second card was a Target credit card. This guy was way more annoying and kept asking the reason and I just kept saying I don't shop there anymore, so I don't need the card. Finally, it's now closed. Not to mention about every 6 months they send me a letter saying due to the inactivity on my account, if I don't use it by such and such date they will close it, and they never do. I have one other one I want to close, too, but by then I was no longer in the mood to be on the phone, LOL. The AmEx was one I opened 4 years ago, for a rewards they had offered at the time. The Target was first a store card, but a few years ago they changed it to a regular Mastercard, good anywhere. I never use it, because I use cards that offer rewards.

I'll let my credit score take the temporary hit (I guess I will drop down from excellent to good, LOL) as I have no plans in the near future to buy anything on new credit.


  1. Geez, that’s a bit ridiculous about a 2 week hold. My Dh just wrote a check to himself at our bank here from a bank in New York . It was over $15,000 and it showed as available immediately. I was expecting them to hold it for awhile at least because it might look kinda sketchy writing a check to himself, but the lady agreed that was easier than the other option, which was to transfer it electronically when we didn’t have an online account set up with the NY bank. This was the small portion of the inheritance from my mil. She died in November. Neither of us ever asked even once when we were getting the money. The big chunk will come later in the year. They have to sell a farm. We haven’t spent a single dime of the first money, and don’t care when we get the larger amount.

  2. Sorry, I forgot to sign my name. Diane

  3. Your uncle sounds like how your mom was in the past about her checkbook. He might have some dementia.

  4. Now you've made me think, I need to close an Amex card that I never wanted and never used. When I was still married we opened an account with Laydernier bank, ostensibly to put X into it each month just for bills. Well that never worked (ex was a spendthrift and spent it anyway) so we closed the account somewhere around 2012. Ex moved back to the States in 2015 and I am STILL getting letters about "inactivity on his account" even now. Now I just send them back to the bank and tell them to contact him in the States!

  5. It's sad that your uncle has called more now than he ever did since she moved into the care home :/ I can put some of it down to age, but it just comes off not nice. Sigh.
