Friday, July 26, 2024

Power out

Between Wednesday night and yesterday we were without power for about 18 hours. Huge windstorm. We got very little wind, but it hit about 85% of our electric co-op's area, so we were down, also. Could have been worse - I think at least half of their service is still out. Hopefully, my reader/commenter Diane, fared ok in her area of the state.

I really just wanted my cup of coffee yesterday morning, LOL. If the outage was going to continue into today, dh was going to get out his old generator and get it hooked up. It will at least let us run a few things in the house. DH was chatting with a friend who has a small cattle ranch nearby and asked her how long the water trough's last for her cows, if there's no water (electric well pump, like us) and she said about 2 days, but if need be they just move the cattle next door to her brother's place, where he has a creek running through his property. 

The power came on around 3pm, so I was able to get online and worked for a couple of hours. I'm not sure what I would have done today, for getting payroll done. Tried to do it from my phone or ipad, I guess, or my boss said we could Teams and have me walk her through it. They were saying we might get more winds last night, but all is good this morning, and payroll will get done. I used my couple of hours yesterday, to pretty much get payroll all prepared to go.

My sis and I did get to train a good chunk of Wednesday, which was great. She's going to be great.  She had worked on a report, adding invoices to our system, for about 90 minutes and added more than you know who did in 5 hours that same day.....It sounds like her plan to do the 20 hours/wk is to work full days Mon and Tues and half day Wed and then she can do Thurs and Fri for her other p/t job. Works for me.

The 20 degree drop in temps yesterday was very welcome, even if we did have no power. Going out to water the flowers last night was so much more comfortable. We had planned to go into the city yesterday after I was done working to pick up a Walmart order, but with no power and them saying it might be multiple days, I certainly couldn't bring a bunch of groceries home to be refrigerated/frozen, so I rescheduled it for Saturday morning. I just noticed the weather temp notification on my task bar in the right corner of my computer - it says 99. It's only going to be 79 today, so where that's coming from, I have no idea.

Awhile back dh had bought 6 5-gallon jugs to store water in, for a power outage and to use to be able to flush the toilet. Well, he realized that isn't going to be much, if we are ever out for more than 2-3 days, so we decided we'd better still fill the tubs as well, when we know in advance we might lose power. Awhile back I asked dh about maybe we should get a whole home back up generator. Mostly it's not having water that is the worst part of it. We are considering that again, LOL. Also, somewhere I have a battery phone charger, but of course I couldn't find it. DH has a solar one, that he's never really tested out in full, but it was barely charging his phone. My phone was almost fully charged yesterday morning, so I was ok for the day. 

Well, I hear dh is up, so I will go back downstairs and make his egg sandwich, before I get started with my work day.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Replacements and rifles

I've decided to try a Walmart brand chocolate protein powder and see if that can replace Carnation Instant Breakfast when I can no longer get it. It's a bit pricier (well, before the price went up on the Carnation, because it's hard to get now) but it's about $1 per serving and you can mix with milk. It has much more protein, 30 g vs 20 grams, plus way less sugar. Only 2 g. I am hoping this will be a comparable substitute for me and end up better for me, anyway. It's not in the store, so I will have to have it shipped.

DH left his old childhood rifle with that other gunsmith FOUR months ago now. He has called on it 2 or 3 times. Apparently this other guy who took it to refinish the stock still has not brought it back. The prior call dh asked the gunsmith for his name and ph# (why he didn't get it at the time of the "deal" I have no idea - other than he's too trusting) he said he would have to look for the guys number, he has it somewhere. Then dh doesn't call again for like another 3-4 weeks/yesterday. He got the gunsmith's wife. DH asked her for the other guys name and phone number so he can try to get this resolved and find out when he's getting his rifle back. She says yes, hold on while I get his number. So, what does dh do....he sits there for THIRTY minutes on the phone, waiting for her to come back and finally hung up! He says they didn't get disconnected....

Then he comes up to my office in a complete rant about all this. I said WHY would you sit on hold 30 minutes? Obviously something happened - whether it was disconnected or whatever. I would have hung up after about 10 minutes, max. WHY didn't you hang up, call her back and say "hey, we must have gotten disconnected? I really need to get this guy's name and ph#". His reason was he was too mad right now to call back. He doesn't want to get upset with anyone because then they think he's a jerk...I said who cares? they've had your rifle for over 4 months now! You don't have to be a jerk, but you sure as well can just be matter of fact and forceful and not take excuses as an answer. Also, apparently the lady's husband, the gunsmith (who is supposed to be cleaning the rifle parts, that never got cleaned by the first gunsmith) is on his way back from California, so he isn't there right now. I said just call them back and say you are coming back up on such and such day to pick up your rifle, whether it's done or not. More than likely he's never going to see this gunstock part of it again, since he has no idea who has it and they don't seem to want to give him the guys name and number. He also did not get like a receipt or some kind of proof he left this rifle with the gunsmith. Again, too trusting. I told him the other day his problem is he wants everyone to like him.

I haven't heard from my sis this morning yet, on if she plans to get started training at 8am. I had told her if she wants (should!) rest up, we can start a little later, if she wants. I'm sure she'll be texting me soon. I hope that's all it is and her dad hasn't taken a turn for the worse. That is a bad break for any age, but at 92, he's likely going to go downhill :(

This is our last day of the very hot weather, but it sounds like tomorrow might be dangerous in some areas with some high winds and possible planned power outage(s), but this sounds like the high winds will be more east of us. High winds, hot electrical wires and very dry flammable surroundings aren't a good mix.

My sis just texted me and we will be starting in a half hour. This is good - we are both excited for this.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tuesday this and that

I had a chat (again) with my boss about the assistant and his awful performance last week (as well as even yesterday). She is just biding our time with him, due to this mentorship program. She said if it were any one else they'd have been fired long ago (and I know this to be true) but at this point she's just looking at this as our company's "contribution" to this non-profit mentorship program. I said that is a good way to look at it, otherwise it's too aggravating, LOL. He's supposed to work 7am to noon M-F. My guess is he clocks in at 7 and then goes back to bed for 2-3 hours and then starts working, because he does nothing the first 2-3 hours. Hopefully my sis will be over her family emergency soon and be able to get started. I haven't heard any more from her since yesterday morning, so I don't know if they figured out a plan to help her stepdad going forward. I didn't want to text her again, because while I'm just asking as her sis - I didn't want her to feel like I was asking because I want her to get started working.

We're going to be grumpy for 2 weeks...4 weeks....however long Mr & Mrs DIL and grandkids will be staying for this summer. Dang - now I'm wishing the heat was going to stay at 100, LOL. That would have kept them inside and not outside screaming or hanging out in front of our gate. I'm sure by this point they've gotten another barking/annoying dog to bring with them.

DH was up early this morning, in order to get outside before it's 100 degrees again, and clean out the gutters. It didn't take him too long, they weren't that bad, but he likes to keep up on it. Pine needles abound around here, LOL.

I did just hear from my sis on her stepdad. Poor man! They got him back to the hospital they had first taken him too (apparently not the small one in his town) and they did a CT scan and turns out, after then sitting in a wheel chair for 9 hours to get the results, he had broken his pelvis in like 4 places. It's too damaged to be able to operate, so then he was transported back to the hospital in his town where he will be while he recovers. Sis said she will be back home this evening and wants to start our work training tomorrow, unless something happens before then. Then she just plans to go see him again on the weekend. I can't imagine the pain he must have been in until they figured this out. I told her don't rush getting started on my account, I'm sure she's going to be exhausted over this.









Monday, July 22, 2024

Work and interuptions

Off to a busy start this morning, but unfortunately not able to start my sis's training. Her dad (step), who she is close with, took a bad fall yesterday and she had to go down to where he lives (about 2 hours from her) and help take care of him. She's not sure how long she'll be staying, but likely at least a few days and will likely have to set up some home care to come in to help him. She has step siblings (who live nearby him) but they seem to assume she will take care of him, so now of course she's struggling to set some boundaries for herself and the expectation that they will also step up and help just as much as she can/will.

DH was out at 8:30 this morning starting to mow the lawn. Another 100 degree day, plus I think the authorities have said no mowing after like 1pm or something like that. 

I had devastating news yesterday. I don't know what I will do! I have been having Carnation Instant Breakfast most every morning of my life since I was in junior high school. Apparently it's being discontinued. Noooooo! Even my dh said "oh, no, what are you going to do?!  Usually I buy a "case" of 8 boxes off of Amazon every couple of months for around $40. The price has gone up to $56. Walmart isn't carrying the light start version. Then I read online that they are discontinuing it all. I did just get a case of 8 boxes ordered with Amazon that had a 25% discount if I put it on subscribe and save, so I just ordered that and put it on refill for one month, instead of 2 and will try to just stock up a bunch as long as I can. After that I will look into finding a copycat DIY recipe to try. I am not a breakfast eater, so this has always been my easy go to breakfast.

I just texted my sis to see how her dad is doing. Doesn't sound very well. I didn't realize he was 92. Xrays on Saturday said he didn't break his hip. She just called to try to get home health care to come in to help him and they said no, because he isn't mobile and they won't do any lifting (this is Canada, so I have no idea how their health services work). She said the home health person she talked to recommended him getting another xray as sometimes xrays on older folks can be murky. I said it sounds like he needs to be in some sort of rebab/nursing care place until he heals and can get mobile again. She said her sister in law is coming over and they are trying to figure this out, as well.

My boss is back from vacation, asked how the week went. I updated her, but said "don't ask about the assistant, LOL". She said give her some time to get a little caught up this morning before she has to hear about him. haha. And even this morning - he's been clocked in for 2 hours and not one thing entered by him in our system yet. He didn't do anything the first 2 hours he worked last Friday, then suddenly 2 hours in a few invoices started getting entered and for the next 3 hours he posted about 30 invoices and 2 small payments. The other day he worked last week, for 5 hours, he posted one payment, that was paying just one invoice. Literally like 5 minutes of work (and that's being generous).

DD and SIL have this week off work. I didn't get my usual first of the morning message from her, LOL. They were up early and off to do a hike. She told me yesterday they had to scrap their original plan hike. She read recent reviews/comments on this particular hike and several were saying their cars had been broken into/windows broken recently, so they decided not to go there. Like she said "people suck".

Sunday, July 21, 2024

A good Saturday

Saturday was productive, as well as relaxing. As typical with me, mornings are my productive time. After around 1pm my energy level drops. I washed sheets and remade the bed with a clean set, made more hummingbird nectar and refilled the feeders. I'm having to refill more often with this awful heat we are having, as it just spoils the nectar so fast in these 100 degree days. While it was still somewhat cool outside, I got out there and used the miracle grow on several plants/shrubs. Two that got eaten by deer, and one that we think is just getting burned from the hot sun off dh's den window. Not sure if the miracle gro will help that issue. We have tried various shrubs there and every year, no matter what we plant, it dies. I think after this year we will give up and figure out something else to put there that is decorative. Maybe just a bird bath or some kind of statue or "yard art". We should just go to the antique store and look around at their collection of outside old farm stuff.

I took out the ingredients for the pizza that needed to be thawed. Another good pizza and this time I also added some Canadian bacon, which was good. There's a few pieces leftover and I need to remember to have a piece or two (they are fairly small slices) for lunch today. Or maybe that's what I'll have for dinner myself, and just make dh his bunless burger for dinner. I am still preferring to have my sliced apple with peanut butter for lunches each day. 

The Amazon driver (a girl we've had a time or two before deliver, and she does a good job) showed up with a box of a bunch of stuff I ordered. It was nice to see they put 8 items in one box! I now have my new air purifier set up in my office. It's on low and very quiet - I don't even hear it. I also got a couple of replacement filters to have on hand, so one for each of our machines.

Another fire started yesterday about 12 miles from us. Apparently the train is a big cause of a lot of the wild fires - the train sparks on the tracks and sometimes catches brush on fire. 

We played pool again after dinner last night. DH didn't have any racing to watch on his computer, for a change. I started watching a new funny show I found on Netflix that looks to be 3 seasons, called Loudermilk. So far I am enjoying it. If you like funny, sarcastic a-hole's, this is the show for you, LOL. I don't subscribe to Netflix, I use a log in from DD and so far it still works. This show should keep me busy for the next week or so, with watching it in the evenings.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

The week wrap-up edition

I'd have to look back at the date, but I think it's now been another month since I called Social Security about my mom's final payment. On that call I was told she put in a request for them to send me a letter, updating me on the status. No letter has arrived, of course. I guess I will try again next week. 

I have a medical bill sitting on my desk I need to pay (from the lab work I had done). That must have triggered the dream I had last night, LOL. I was going to be getting a mammogram done in a few hours, wherever weird place I was in the dream, but suddenly remembered I needed to fix my deductible amount on my insurance. I was standing at a desk with customer service people, trying to fix it, before I went to my appointment, but it was just not happening, LOL. 

I ended up with a dull headache all day yesterday. No fun, but I'm fine this morning. 

We still haven't gotten the bill for the addition to our sprinkler system. If we don't have anything by the end of the month dh can call or text his friend to check on it. 

I think my plan for our next trip to Walmart is to go next Thursday after I get done with work. We'll also need to swing by the other grocery store for more hamburger patties. That way we don't have to spend half our Saturday or Sunday making the trip. Plus, the weather is supposed to be much cooler, starting next Thursday. And we can grab dinner for on the way home. I'm sick of making dinner. We at least used to be able to go to a fairly nearby restaurant every so often (like every couple of months) if I was just tired of cooking, for a nice meal, but ever since they changed owners, the food is just not near as good, so we stopped going there. There is one restaurant in our town, but while it tastes good, we always seem to end up with stomach aches after eating there. Unless it's breakfast, breakfast food is ok. So, we have no where to eat out, unless we drive 45-50 miles to the city.

Dinner last night was salad and sandwiches. I think tonight will be pizza again. I will try out the fresh mushrooms that I froze and see how those work. I'm sure they will be just fine.

Some of the stuff I ordered from Amazon with my large gift card is arriving today, via an Amazon driver. Ugh LOL. But, at least with those deliveries I've discovered (thanks to DD) you can see how close they are getting to delivering and go meet them out at the gate. It's several packages, including one that will have the air purifier I got my office, upstairs. 

We also got the Miracle Gro in town the other day, so after I eat breakfast this morning, I'm going to go apply that where needed. Hopefully it helps.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Training and more chocolate milk

My sis was able to get her new laptop hooked up and the sound/mic figured out, so we were able to get started for about 2 1/2 hours yesterday with some training. I just shared my screen and gave her an overview of our company and the process of an order from start to finish. As I was training her, my other assistant messaged me that he wasn't going to be able to work again yesterday. He's worked one day in the last week. My sis doesn't typically plan to work for us on Fridays, she's going to reserve that day for her other p/t job she has, so we will start up with the training again on Monday. I think it went well. She has enough work experience that she understands the general process and had some good questions to clarify things or get more detail. She also said she thinks she will really enjoy doing this type of work.

Sorry to those annoyed by my grammar in my blog - LOL. I'm casual and I write casual and often type how I/we talk. Kind of like when I see people type "y'all". Or a book series like Outlander, where the author is trying to convey the Scottish accent with a "Ye dinna mean to say anything?". 

Well, the Dairygold chocolate milk was turned down, LOL. He didn't like it at all, so I guess I will be giving freezing the Walmart chocolate milk a try in order to have some last between grocery shopping trips. Now I have 2 1/1 gallon cartons of chocolate milk to drink myself, haha. I don't usually drink that, but I guess I will be, so it doesn't go to waste.

I woke up with a pounding headache this morning and also spent a good half hour being annoyed by the cat. Some mornings he just content to sleep until I get up, other morning he's not. I got up about a half hour before my usual time, let the cat outside and took some tylenol and tried to go back to bed. 15 minutes later I got up and here I am. Hoping the tylenol and coffee kicks in.

Wildfires are starting to pop up here and there. So far the closest one is about 15 miles from us. The air is a little hazy from the smoke, but not too bad yet. Still hot as hell and will continue to be in the high 90's/100 range until at least next Wednesday. Then the forecast shows a drop to 88 next Thursday and 77 next Friday. That will be nice.

My little solar powered desk calculator that I've had forever suddenly doesn't want to work very well. I use this thing daily in my work and personal life. But now when I input the screen is showing half numbers. Then I remembered my mom had a similar one, but a little bigger, with her desk stuff. I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten rid of it, and I found it in one of my desk drawers. I can use my phone calculator app, but I find it kind of annoying to use, for some reason. But, sometimes for work I have to use it because I'm adding numbers over $1 million dollars, haha.