Saturday, July 20, 2024

The week wrap-up edition

I'd have to look back at the date, but I think it's now been another month since I called Social Security about my mom's final payment. On that call I was told she put in a request for them to send me a letter, updating me on the status. No letter has arrived, of course. I guess I will try again next week. 

I have a medical bill sitting on my desk I need to pay (from the lab work I had done). That must have triggered the dream I had last night, LOL. I was going to be getting a mammogram done in a few hours, wherever weird place I was in the dream, but suddenly remembered I needed to fix my deductible amount on my insurance. I was standing at a desk with customer service people, trying to fix it, before I went to my appointment, but it was just not happening, LOL. 

I ended up with a dull headache all day yesterday. No fun, but I'm fine this morning. 

We still haven't gotten the bill for the addition to our sprinkler system. If we don't have anything by the end of the month dh can call or text his friend to check on it. 

I think my plan for our next trip to Walmart is to go next Thursday after I get done with work. We'll also need to swing by the other grocery store for more hamburger patties. That way we don't have to spend half our Saturday or Sunday making the trip. Plus, the weather is supposed to be much cooler, starting next Thursday. And we can grab dinner for on the way home. I'm sick of making dinner. We at least used to be able to go to a fairly nearby restaurant every so often (like every couple of months) if I was just tired of cooking, for a nice meal, but ever since they changed owners, the food is just not near as good, so we stopped going there. There is one restaurant in our town, but while it tastes good, we always seem to end up with stomach aches after eating there. Unless it's breakfast, breakfast food is ok. So, we have no where to eat out, unless we drive 45-50 miles to the city.

Dinner last night was salad and sandwiches. I think tonight will be pizza again. I will try out the fresh mushrooms that I froze and see how those work. I'm sure they will be just fine.

Some of the stuff I ordered from Amazon with my large gift card is arriving today, via an Amazon driver. Ugh LOL. But, at least with those deliveries I've discovered (thanks to DD) you can see how close they are getting to delivering and go meet them out at the gate. It's several packages, including one that will have the air purifier I got my office, upstairs. 

We also got the Miracle Gro in town the other day, so after I eat breakfast this morning, I'm going to go apply that where needed. Hopefully it helps.


  1. What a coincidence. Just yesterday we received our portion of my mil's final SS payment. She passed away in November so they certainly take their sweet time don't they lol. I dont if my sister inlaw had to jump through any hoops. If she did she didn't mention it to dh because he wasn't even expecting the check.

    1. I guess that tells me maybe mine will be here in about 2 more months then.....glad your's is taken care of.

  2. "I'm sick of making dinner." I have gone three days without making dinner here! Honestly, I usually don't mind cooking, in fact, I enjoy it. I am just sick of the planning. And, kids, now in college who, who once were voracious, happy, grateful eaters have developed, over the years, markedly different food preferences. Plus, their schedules differ, adding another piece to planning. Add in summer, with it being warm and light so late, and I just can't work up the motivation. DH likes to eat by 5:30, but it's still so light here by then, that I lose track of time. I confess to having bought those pre packaged, personal salad kits earlier in the week for him to grab! I am so tired of making dinner! I am sure that will change once we head into fall.

    1. I think it's the planning what to make that gets tiring, too. I like the salad kits. Walmart sells these bowls of salad kits. They don't look too big, but there's more in there than it appears and we can get 2 nights of salads out of them. I just bought a bagged salad kit from the town store this week and figured there'd be about the same amount. It was enough for 1 salad each, last night.

    2. Yep, it's the salads in the bowls. They do look small, but one is more than enough for one person, especially if I add lettuce from the garden. Problem is, my night owls have a habit of raiding the refrigerator, and these are a favorite of theirs. Its vexing to get up and find that DD's work lunch, and DH's dinner is an empty container in the garbage. While I have always had a general rule that the food in the house is there to be eaten, I took a Sharpie and wrote "touch and die," on half of the ones I bought during my last shopping trip. I know they're expensive, and bad for the environment, but it's cheaper than DD eating lunch out, or DH talking a kid into going out to dinner. (DD works in a plant nursery outside, and wants something cold like a salad and fruit cups on her lunch break.)

    3. "Touch or die" LOL sounds like something I would do ;)

  3. When I was married, I hated planning what to cook! I begged my husband to tell me what to have. He would not. That mental chore was worse than the cooking.
    The salads in the bowls fill me up. I love them but rarely have them. The salad kits are good, too. But, the bowls made up ready to go are delicious and filling.
    It is a shame your restaurant closed. Just knowing it isn't there would make me want it more. Publix has these meals that are ready to cook in their own container. Once in a great while we eat one of those, halving it and have a salad or other vegetable, often a leftover. Have you ever tried those? I am sure other stores have those, too.

    1. The restaurant didn't close, they just sold it to some new owner and they changed the menu a bit and the food just isn't near as good. Not worth the $$ they charge, at all. The stuff we've gotten to try from Costco has been a help for easy dinner meals. I want to try more things from Costco....I still just hate shopping there due to the crowds, LOL.

    2. We really like a couple meals from the costco fresh meal case. The gyro kit and street taco kit are excellent. They are expensive but sometimes worth it because we never eat out, or get takeout. My son and dil love their chicken pot pie, but it won't be available again til fall. It's huge so they get several meals from it. There's many other options but a lot involve pasta and red sauce which I really don't like.
      The costco frozen lasagna is good. And people like the frozen Mac and cheese, but I don't like Mac and cheese so I haven't bought that. I haven't tried much frozen stuff because we just don't eat that stuff. I'd suggest waiting til stuff goes on sale to try it because some of it is so expensive.

    3. I wonder if the restaurant will survive.

    4. The restaurant seems to be doing fine. If I recall the new owners took over a bit before Covid started, so at that time we had only been there once after new ownership. Then we didn't go there for probably a year and a half due to covid. The next few times we went (with guests staying at our house). Each time we just came away thinking this is not near as good as before, so we stopped going. Beings it's the only restaurant in the area and a good tourist stop, they seem to be doing fine. I'm just not willing to spend $30 for a meal (for one meal) and get instant mashed potatoes, LOL. I can do that at home. Their garlic mashed potatoes (with real potatoes were one of my favorite sides). I used to always order the salmon and it would melt in your mouth. Pretty sure they are now using frozen stuff.

    5. Diane - I did try Costco's fresh chicken pesto penne (or whatever it was called) and it was really good

    6. Something I’ve been making lately that is super good and easy is French dips or Philly cheesesteaks. I get shaved skirt steak at the meat market. Last nite I cooked some peppers and onions, then tossed some of the shaved steak in. In 15 minutes or less I had dinner ready. I’m out of meat now, but am going to buy more this week to package and keep in the freezer. I’m a big fan of easy meals.I saw some shaved steak at Safeway a couple weeks ago, but it wasn’t skirt steak, and it was more expensive than the meat market, but that’s an option if I don’t want to make a special trip to the meat market, which isn’t in an area of town I usually go.

