Monday, July 8, 2024

Oh deer

It was nice to wake up this morning and still be on vacation (and tomorrow, too). I didn't do a whole lot yesterday. Deer ate all the leaves off one of my shrubs next to the back patio 😠. I'm really surprised they didn't finish off with dessert of all the flowers right next to the shrub. So, yesterday morning I got my deer repellent spray out and gave everything a spray and hopefully nothing more gets eaten up. Today I'm going to give it a good dose of miracle grow. Another shrub out front suddenly took a turn to dying, so I'm going to give that some, as well. We just cannot get anything to grow in this spot out next to the front patio. I think we are on our 5th try. We replanted shrubs on each side last year and they made it through the winter and have been looking great so far this summer, so I thought maybe we finally have something that will make it. 

None of my annual flowers need any Miracle Grow - they have filled out like crazy.

This is the bush with most all the leaves eaten off now

Here's the one out front, not faring well now

And the same thing on the opposite side, doing great (at least for now)

The deer also ate most of a little plant we have out in our driveway island, planted for one of our dogs. Now I can't remember if I remembered to spray that one with the deer spray - I don't think I did. I'll do that this morning, when I do the Miracle Grow. The deer have a couple acres of grassy field next to us to eat, eat that! all the mowing DAN did 2-3 weeks ago has grown back and looks the same as it did before he mowed it, LOL. 

I had made myself notes to cancel 2 subscriptions - AppleTV+ and Ancestry. I'll get them again when the shows I want to watch come out again and do ancestry when the mood strikes, but that's usually a year or more. The person I messaged via Ancestry, that we appear to share 2nd great grandparents, in Scotland, never replied back. I still have the 2 subscriptions a couple more weeks, but wanted to make sure I didn't forget to cancel them.

Still nothing on my mom's Social Security payment. Last call I was told she was putting in a request for them to update me and I should be getting a notice in the mail.

Friday, I did get signed up for the SoFi account in order to get the $300 bonus and the $125 cash back from Rakuten. To get the $300 I have to transfer a total of $5000 within 30 days and via direct deposit, so I set my payroll to go into there, so that will cover that requirement of it needing to be direct deposit (I will change my payroll direct deposit back to my regular checking, after the requirement is satisfied) and now I just wait until payday (well 2 paydays) and then it sounds like the $300 will be credited pretty quickly. I'm sure the Rakuten will be awhile to get, plus then they only pay out every quarter. But, $425 for spending about 15 minutes of my time, is a good deal to me. Plus, I like these types of bonus offers that don't require getting a credit card.


  1. I always find fruit tastes way better when someone else - but especially my mom cuts it up for me. And I think moms make everything taste better - so maybe that's how the deer feel about your garden, it's a compliment LOL!

  2. LOL - I think I find any food prepared by someone else usually tastes better, haha!

    1. Lol!!! Ask DD if fruit tastes better when you cut it up for her!

  3. Years ago we had goats. They were CUTE. But then they got out one day and ate all my bushes and I didn't think they were that cute any longer.

    1. My dh always thinks it would be neat to have goats - if we lived somewhere with room for them.
