Saturday, July 13, 2024

Simple Saturday

There was a small deer outside last evening - look at her just eyeing those flowers! While dh was snapping the picture I was pretending to talk through a bullhorn "STAY AWAY FROM THE FLOWERS. BACK AWAY FROM THE FLOWERS".  There must have been some others around with her, but we didn't see any and a few minutes later she wandered down over the river bank.

I have the tracking info on the laptop shipping up to my sis. Apparently my boss couldn't prepay for the customs and was told to log into theupsstore website on Monday and pay it via a link that will be there. I will be taking care of this part, as my boss in on vacation all next week. So, far no link is showing, but the package is saying expected delivery Wednesday. My boss would have shipped in next day air.....but they wanted $800! LOL We can wait, haha. We are both so excited to get started.

The billing for the summer propane fill up showed up on my account. $1.85/gallon for a little over 300 gallons needed. I was looking at our previous billings and we sure seem to be consistent every year with around 300 gallons in July and then a fill up later January, that I prepay in Sept at a lower rate and that always runs around $1000, so we are spending about $1550 a year for propane. We don't heat our house with it, but we do heat the shop and have 2 water heaters using it, as well as our gas fireplace. I had been setting aside some money in savings each month to pay this bill and the one that will be due in Sept, since we aren't on the monthly budget plan.

DH tried a bun-less burger last night. Had all the fixins' on it he likes, just no bun and he liked it. Less bread will be good for him in more ways than one. 

I see my $125 cash back on Rakuten for the SoFi account is now posted, so that is good. I also have $28 in the cash back balance from the freezer purchase from Lowes.

We thought about going and doing something today, but it's still going to be just too hot out to enjoy being outside. Later next week we are supposed to be back up to 100 (instead of 95 LOL).

I don't know what I'm doing today. Not much. Since I had last Monday and Tuesday off, I did house cleaning then, so not much is really needed this weekend. Maybe dh will decide to go into town so he can put gas in the truck and then I can get the Miracle Gro. When we do get into town I'm also going to get a few things from the store. That would allow us to stretch out going back to the city for a grocery pickup, longer.


  1. LOL...You set out tasty flowers and treat the little deer like a criminal! Why do you have the desk on the driveway? Look on my sidebar at Octoberfarm today at the crispy little guy.

    $800 for shipping?

    1. $800 is what UPS wanted to ship it overnight to Canada. Yikes! I'm not sure what you mean by desk in the driveway?

  2. How lovely to spot a deer in the garden (well as long as they don't eat the flowers). It's odd because I'm right out in the country and I never see deer, whereas my friend a little further away gets them right down to her garden fence. Mind you, we get wild boar to make up for it!

    1. We love seeing them but it's a bummer when they wipe out a plant!

  3. That planter is gorgeous. Last week was upper 80’s here, but it dropped considerably at night to the high 50’s. That said, we still ran the ac at night. I WILL say, as much as we gripped about having to do it, that the triple wrapped insulation our county’s building code required (because I didn’t put in solar panels because I found the rep from the company was unbearable) when we built this place is incredibly effective, especially in summer. Our house. regardless of temperature outside stays about 68-72 degrees in the hottest days of summer, and 62-64 (as warm as I can stand it for sleeping)in the coldest days of winter whether we turn on the system or not. When we use the woodstove, windows wind up getting opened.Our heating/cooling bill has never been so low.

    1. DH made this (and a twin) planter out of some of the rough cut lumber we had from the trees we had to cut down on our property :) We tried to use as much of the cut down trees as we could in various projects. I think our house has too many windows (even though triple paned) to keep it cool enough in summer, but cooling and heating with the heat pump is a savings. Our summer electric bill, with the a/c going is only like $125/mo

    2. FYI- Meg…I didn’t realize my comment showed up as anonymous on this device.

    3. Also: too many windows isn’t a thing! When this place was framed, I walked over to watch, and the framer said “Man, you like windows. I have never framed a house with so many windows!” I also put in, at the last minute, two skylights. I wish I had put in more windows in our family room/ den…the placement of the wood stove required the two windows to be recessed . It looks great, but cuts the light. I asked if the woodstove could be put on the inside wall in that room for that reason, but my contractor said he had never done that, and he would advise against it. Our insulation and placement of ductwork as per energy credit requirements really annoyed me…like, almost (almost) made me lean right annoyed me! But, our energy bill is truly reflecting the benefit. It also makes the house so quiet. Funny story: We had a windstorm brewing one night in October. My longtime childhood friend had visited, and my beloved neighbor came over on her last day to spend the afternoon and evening together…went out for lunch and drinks, and beach combed, leaving because the wind was cutting our faces. We came home to the sunroom and neighbor’s 11year old daughter joined us. We we lit the gas fireplace, poured wine and sparkling cider, had snacks, and visited . At about 9:30 neighbor stepped out on the porch to vape. Now, bear in mind, this room has two walls full of windows, a door with a full length window, and a window on either side of the gas fireplace. Neighbor opened the door, came back in, out of breath, rosy cheeked, long hair all a mess and covered with leaves! Her daughter laughed and said “Mom, what was in that vape?” Her response? “Meg’s house is effing soundproof! It’s blowing a hurricane out there.” So we all stepped out and were almost blown to the corner of the porch. We could barely hear the wind inside! Out farmhouse (not built by MY contractor) would be literally shaking in winds like that. Granted, that was a cozy sound, but that incident softened me to the energy regulations. -Meg

    4. LOL! My dh is now questioning if there is such a thing as too many windows....he has to wash them all! And some are higher than the ladder and the ones above the front portico are almost impossible to get to from the outside, LOL

    5. Heh. We have ours done every spring and fall. They charge $10/window, and our last bill was just over $400, so , while I haven’t counted, that means we have about 40 windows . I am happy to pay it because my mule headed, stubborn DH would think nothing of climbing a ladder for the second story windows while expecting me to manage the first floor. Yeah, Plus, I do a lot, but I don’t do windows! I could turn the job over to one of the boys, but I just don’t like the thought of them up there either…and I picture screens hurling to the ground. Also, having them done professionally is cause to enforce my “nothing on the window sill” rule. They charge extra for clearing the sills! -Meg
