Thursday, July 18, 2024


We ran into town around noon yesterday, as the USPS package notification slip said it could be picked starting same day. Small town post office. Only one person works the counter and when dh handed her the slip she said "oh yes, I know this package! LOL. It wouldn't fit into the carrier's jeep". DH said oops sorry! Then he blamed it on me as being the "amazon orderer", even though this is car stuff for him, LOL. 

We've been planning to run into town anyway sometime soon. Dh needed gas for the truck and for the gas cans (for mowing) and I needed some things from the store to help tide us over until the next Walmart trip. The store usually has a store brand of chocolate milk, but they didn't have any and at first I was seeing no chocolate milk at all and crap, haha, but then I saw the 1/2 gallon cartons of Dairygold chocolate milk -with dates of September!Woo! Hopefully he likes it. I'm not even telling him it's a new kind I'm trying. He's the type that instantly gets something in his mind that if it's different he doesn't like it. If this works, then this is the brand I will start getting, as I know Walmart also carries it and probably lots cheaper, too.

While I was sitting in the truck waiting for dh to fill up the gas cans my phone rings and it's my sis, saying the UPS driver is telling her there's $341 due in duty fees on the package she need to pay. (she knew I had already paid it). I said well, it shows right on the tracking that it's been paid! She asked if I had a receipt she could show him, but since I wasn't home I couldn't get to it right then. When we hung up I then texted her a screenshot of the tracking page where it says paid. She said the driver figured it out and all good. 

I don't know what is up with delivery driver's lately, but they aren't the brightest. Here's what dh went through trying to talk to the FedEx freight driver who delivered on Monday.

Driver calls and dh give directions from the freeway exit. Pretty simple. Get off the exit, get on the frontage road and go 5 miles to our street on your left and you can see your house (gave description). As it was getting close for when the truck would show up dh went out to open the gate in front of the shop. Sees the FedEx truck drive right on by, LOL. Calls the number the driver called from and said looks like you just passed our street. You can turn around at such and such (which is almost a mile down the road, as there is no other spot to turn around at). Dh goes out to the entrance to our street and the driver almost passes our street again! DH had to wave him down.

Driver is an older guy. He pulls up and opens the back and puts down the lift gate. Here's the conversation:

dh: ya, Bendpak wasn't sure if FedEx freight would have a lift gate, but the lady that called on Friday said you did

Driver: who's Bendpak?

Dh: um...the company that shipped this (the name is right on the big box laying on the pallet)

Driver: what lady? 

dh: a lady from FedEx freight called on Friday to set up delivery day

Driver: (getting his hand cart out) what is it?

dh: it's a part for a lift

Driver: what's a lift?

dh: a car lift? to lift cars up..........

Then the driver starts to put his hand cart under a different pallet of stuff. 

dh: umm...I don't think that's my stuff..Mine is this Bedpak crate right here on the floor next to it

Driver: oh ya...ok...

Dh again mentions that it was great he has a lift gate so we didn't have to have it delivered to the lumber store in town. Driver says ya, that's the address I had, no one told me the address got changed.

He then hands dh the paperwork for his signature and right there on it was marked "Delivery address change" and our address to deliver it to, LOL.


  1. Oh dear it sounds like the delivery man is elderly and possibly not as sharp as he used to be.
    I hope he's ok to drive; your dh was very patient with him.

  2. Poor guy. I wonder if he should be driving. It sounds as though he is beyond the job he does. Maybe he was just old and tired but still possibly a problem. So, how and where do you use this drip pan? What drips onto it?

    1. drip pans under a vehicle in the shop and one in the garage, I think.

  3. I just can't hold back anymore--I believe that the word you mean to be using is spelled-YEAH-not YA. My apologies if I am incorrect. Terry

    1. I used to think so too, until I moved to this region. "Ya" = "yeah," and is pronounced the way it is spelled. (I still haven't mastered the pronunciation. -Meg B.

    2. ya...well, I don't care ;);)

  4. Sounds like a scene from Monty Python!

    1. dh was saying to me just when he thought the conversation with the driver couldn't get any worse - it did, LOL
