Monday, July 29, 2024

Back to a Friday update

Friday morning my boss and I were basically watching our assistant guy in "live action". Maybe my boss is now convinced to fire him? My guess the past week or two, that I started paying attention, is that he clocks in at 7am (he's supposed to work 7-noon M-F) but doesn't start any work until around 10am, and then does very little. This past Wednesday morning I purposely messaged him about something, just to see how long it would take him to reply and if it would nudge him into work mode (it did not). He wasn't able to work Thursday (he's typically only been working 3-4 days a week). Yesterday right after he clocked in at 7am I messaged him a question. It took him about 10 minutes to reply and then no work. 

I guess my boss had been watching our order entry system. as well, to see if any of his work was showing up (he is tasked with adding invoices) and by 9am still nothing. She sent him a message, with me included, asking him what he's working on this morning, as we aren't seeing any invoices have been added.....he replied back about 10 min later that he was working on such and such mfg report. I'm sitting there with my mouth open....then where are the invoices you entered the past 2 hours? is what I wanted to say. Before my boss could reply anything he backtracked a bit to cover his butt and said he lost track of where he left off of on this report on Wednesday, so he's just been going thru the report list, invoice by invoice to see where he left off.....seriously? Boss messages me privately like seriously? I said to her he could figure out in like 5 minutes where he left off! Take a guess at how far you remember getting to on Wednesday, enter that invoice# to see if it's in the system, if not go back a little farther till you find one that is in there and you could search those invoice #'s in a matter of minutes, to find where you left off - NOT 2 hours.

My boss replied back to him that if he stops mid report between days, he just needs to mark where he left off. His reply was he didn't know if he could edit the report? (ok, how about a piece of paper next to your laptop and jot down the invoice you left off on?) I couldn't take it anymore and nicely as possible told him 2 different ways to search his invoices and even a screen shot that showed all his invoices entered on Wednesday and he could see where he left off. Boss said that was perfect. And you'd think that would make him realize that we can see what's he's entered??

So, for the next 16 minutes he got really busy and added about 23 invoices. Then nothing. He stopped working again, LOL. Boss said she was watching the invoices added time stamps, as well, and asked me if those were accurate times? I said yes, and added an invoice from a different report, just as a test, and showed her it was the current time. She said she plans to deal with him next week. I'm hoping that now that we have my sis to start working, this will give her the push she needs to fire his lazy ass. He clocked out at noon after his 5 hours and that's literally all he did - was work from 9:04 to 9:22. Insane. My boss told me she was also calling our IT group to see if they had any way of seeing his work history/keystrokes for today. (I doubt they will because she's told me before, we don't track stuff like that). It sounds like she just wants to extra proof (not that she really needs it).

Later that afternoon, I went back and figured out what he worked on for the past 2 weeks. He worked two 5 hour days the prior week, and four 5 hour days this last week. For 30 hours paid, he did about 5 hours of work (and that's being generous). I sent this in an email to my boss with detail on what he did each day. One of the days in the week prior to last, he added one payment posted, that was for one invoice. He clocked in for 5 hours and did less than 5 minutes of work that day.

I'm hoping this is a good week and she finally pulls the trigger and let's him GO!


  1. It's really strange, you've been dealing with this guy's incompetence for months and the boss can't bring herself to fire him. Is he her cousin or something??

  2. It sounds like while she may be a nice person, she's not much of a manager is she. I had a boss like that once - said yes to everyone just to keep the peace and it really doesn't work in the end!

    1. This is the strange part - while yes, she is super nice, she has never ever had a problem firing someone before. She's even commented more than once "if it was anyone else...they'd have been fired long ago", so it really appears it's just because he was referred to us by this mentorship program and she doesn't want to rock the boat or alienate them for some reason.
