Wednesday, July 17, 2024


A few years ago dh had made this little "chic-nic" table out of leftover scraps of wood. Cute, but it took up too much room inside the coop and they just pooped all over it, LOL. So, we've just been setting it on our patio in the summer with a plant on it. Until this summer when dh decided to feed the chipmunks. We now have Alvin, Simon and Theodore. I have renamed it the "chip-nic" table. When we had our black dog, who was obsessed with chipmunks, we would always say to him "are you watching for your chippermonkeys?"

And when I got up this morning, outside my bedroom window I saw my first ever squirrel since living here. We had sometimes seen squirrels when we lived in the house in town, but have never seen one out here. A minute later I was walking out to the living room to look out on the patio and see a magpie on the table, eating, and then as it flew away a squirrel went running across the patio! What the heck?! LOL.

Right now the magpies are outside making a fuss about something. I can see 3 in the trees across from my office window and one on top of the roof of our patio roof. I see the backyard sprinkler is on, so maybe that is what they are squawking about. Oh...Amos was on the patio, that's why, LOL. He didn't like getting yelled at and wanted back inside.

The laptop on it's way to my sis is getting closer :) Last night it arrived at the distribution hub in the large city nearest here and still says it will be delivered this afternoon, but doesn't show it out on truck yet. They live about 90 min from that big city.

OMG - I ordered some drip pans for dh from Amazon that shipped USPS and were supposed to delivery today. Some time ago (around the same time they started delivering Amazon packages) they put a form in our mailbox to fill out as where to leave packages, if too large for the mailbox. I indicated to leave at the gate, which is what they have been doing, even the other day, that's what they did. I just got an informed delivery email update on the drip pans package(s) that either they were too large to fit in the mailbox so we have to pick them up at the post office starting tomorrow. Why not just leave at the gate, like every other too large package? What was the point of filling out the form on where to leave large packages? My guess is they didn't even put it on the mail carriers car - just decided to leave a note to pick it up at the post office.

Amazon changing our deliveries away from UPS has been annoying. Most packages now either come via the post office or we now have Amazon delivery drivers - they are the worst! They always look sketchy and Dh has been hearing that some of them are just scoping out where they deliver to and then their buddies come and steal your stuff. Let's just say that most of the one's we've had deliver here barely speak english. Give me back our wonderful UPS driver for the deliveries! He told dh UPS is laying off a lot of drivers now.


  1. That deer is spreading the word about how good your food is, LOL!

    1. LOL. and dh isn't helping with putting the peanuts and seeds out haha

  2. USPS has been the worst for the last year or so. To make matters worse, our newspaper is now delivered to the post office, who then puts it in with the mail. Everyone is trying to cut costs. The newspaper is so small, I've been calling it the newsletter. They stopped Saturday papers a few years ago, and now have decided that the Sunday paper will be delivered on Saturday. Hubby gets a kick out of saying they know what's going to happen in advance, since we get the Sunday paper a day early. But several times lately, we just don't get anything delivered. Which is why I signed up for the Informed Delivery.

    Our regular mail carrier lady was off for three months because her husband had back surgery and we suffered during that time! I didn't know that was the reason until she came back. I saw her one day and she told me the story and I told her I was SUPER glad she was back. She said that they have these cards that indicate whether the mailbox should get deliveries or not - like DO NOT DELIVER, House is Empty. She said that there were BOXES AND BOXES of junk mail that she had to pick up and dispose of because the fill in person didn't do it right.

    When we went on vacation to Myrtle Beach a few weeks ago, we decided to have the mail held so our neighbor wouldn't have to get it every day. Hubby went to the post office and handed them the form. A few days into vacation, a neighbor from down the road texted me that the mailbox door was open, mail was hanging out! Ugh. I had to text someone to go get it out. Two days later, another friend texted almost the same thing! She said it was stuffed! So much for filling out a form! This was the week before our regular carrier returned.

    1. When dh went into the post office to pick it up the lady told him they tried to fit it in the carriers jeep but too big

  3. What kind of drip pan is so huge it won't fit in the jeep? I get my hometown paper. The carrier delivers multiple papers at a time, and then no newspaper for a week. Half the time, they look like they have been walked upon.
    One day, I received three packages from three carriers. Silly.

    1. these are large drip trays, one is 47x30 and the other is 35x24. I guess with all her mail and other packages to deliver she didn't have room

  4. Make sure the bottles can be used for liquids in the freezer. The regular Ball jars are not to be used in the freezer as they have shoulders. Only the wide-mouth, straight sided Ball jars won't break when used in the freezer. So, maybe the milk bottles will not work.
