Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tuesday this and that

I noticed I'm getting low on my 2 prescriptions and it's been close to 90 days since I got them. I logged into the mail order pharmacy, where I've always been set up on auto refill, to make sure they are on the way. Apparently, since they are new prescriptions I had to set them up on auto refill. So, I did that this morning and the refills should be here in time. I also get dh's prescription (not running out yet) set up on auto refill. The only one I'd be concerned about not missing a dose is my heart medication, of course. But, last October or so, I had ordered a years supply as an emergency backup through a medical website, so I have those to use if for some reason the refill doesn't get here in time. I'm also going to start using up those pills anyway, and put my current refills in "back up". so that this year supply I got last Fall does not expire on the effectiveness of the meds.

Finally, yesterday around noon, the UPS package to Canada showed ready to pay the duty fee. It was not around $60 like the UPS Store clerk told my boss, LOL. It ended up being around $240 US. I just kept checking every hour or so and finally the tracking showed duty was owed. I paid it online and 2 or 3 hours later is showed it was now released from customs and on it's way again. Current tracking says it should be delivered tomorrow.

I need to figure out a way for dh to have chocolate milk for more than a week or week and a half after our shopping trips. Obviously I need to freeze it, but I tried that in the past and it's annoying to me. I've tried buying the organic chocolate milk with long use by dates, but he doesn't like the flavor. The regular chocolate milk doesn't have a very long date. He doesn't like the powdered or syrup added to milk, either. I've tried freezing milk once before, but it took days to thaw out in the fridge, so I was annoyed by that. I guess I just need to get a good idea of how long it actually takes to thaw and try to take it out at least a couple of days before I think I'll need more. Annoying. But, my plan to try next shopping trip, is to just buy some of the 1/2 gallon sized (maybe those will thaw faster?) to have a few stocked in the freezer. Supposedly it's supposed to thaw in 24 hours, but that was not my experience at all.

Dh is liking his new "bun-less" burgers. He usually has a double, so he's just having me put his cheese, lettuce, tomato and onion in between the 2 patties and he just cuts up with a fork and knife.



  1. Have you had DH try a lactose free chocolate milk? Our oldest son is lactose sensitive and we made the switch to Natrel Lactose Free milk and it has a longer shelf life than regular milk. We ended up switching for our entire family.
    ~Beth J, Ontario Canada

    1. The only lactose brand in pre-made chocolate milk I've found here is Fairlife (which is what I drink in regular milk) and I tried the chocolate and he didn't like it :/ I love the Fairlife milk - half the sugar and twice the protein.

    2. That’s unfortunate.

      The lactose free has a longer expiration date.

      What about cutting it with some regular milk to change the after taste?

      Or check to see if your Costco has a different brand? My family loves the Premier protein shakes (and we’ve bought them both in Canada and US). Chocolate and Salted Caramel are huge hits here.

      ~ Beth

    3. I love the long date of the lactose free Fairlife milk. Months! I'm just going to try freezing some 1/2 gallon size of the chocolate milk (he likes either the Walmart brand or the brand I sometimes get from our town store) and see if that will help keep him in choc milk in between shopping trips.

  2. Try the darigold brand in the carton.

    1. I'm not sure if that has any longer date than regular milk?

    2. I think the choc milk I sometimes pick up at our town little store is Dairygold and has really short dates. I hate getting any milk there (other than Fairlife) as the date is usually within 2-3 days. I don't know why their milk dates are so short at this store.

  3. Try wm. I have good luck with the dates of white darigold. It's gotta be cartons though. The plastic jugs have much shorter dates.

    1. Ok, thanks for the info. I'll add a carton of DG chocolate next time and see if the date is better

  4. Why can't you thaw the milk on the counter? Shouldn't take long at all...

    1. maybe it's fine to do it that way, but just doesn't make me feel like it's safe to do so.

    2. That's interesting. All my life I have thawed everything, including meat, at room temp. Have never had an issue. And I have a huge household of 14 children.

  5. Have you tried the chocolate milk from $$ tree? I think it has a slight off taste but my grandkids like it. My oldest grandchild said it tasted fine but maybe worth a try.

    1. I haven't. The dollar tree is over on the other end of the city and since it takes us almost an hour just to get to Walmart it's not likely we'll bother driving through city traffic and add another 45 min to our trip. The walmart area has tons of stores, I've always been surprised there isn't a $ store in that area.

  6. Freeze it in pint canning jars with straight sides. That way, it will thaw sooner. Or, freeze it in bags frozen flat. It will quickly thaw that way. Thawing on the counter is dangerous!

    1. that's a good idea. I have some glass milk jars I bought that came in a pack of 3, with silicone lids. I might try that!

  7. Funny, as a Canadian I get milk in plastic bags - we defrost from the freeze overnight and it has always been ok - sometimes it curdles but that's to do with the milk more than room temp I think. But yes, if you freeze in the jars maybe that will help!

    1. We're probably too cautious here, LOL. But if the milk looked anything different in texture dh wouldn't drink it, haha.
