Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Replacements and rifles

I've decided to try a Walmart brand chocolate protein powder and see if that can replace Carnation Instant Breakfast when I can no longer get it. It's a bit pricier (well, before the price went up on the Carnation, because it's hard to get now) but it's about $1 per serving and you can mix with milk. It has much more protein, 30 g vs 20 grams, plus way less sugar. Only 2 g. I am hoping this will be a comparable substitute for me and end up better for me, anyway. It's not in the store, so I will have to have it shipped.

DH left his old childhood rifle with that other gunsmith FOUR months ago now. He has called on it 2 or 3 times. Apparently this other guy who took it to refinish the stock still has not brought it back. The prior call dh asked the gunsmith for his name and ph# (why he didn't get it at the time of the "deal" I have no idea - other than he's too trusting) he said he would have to look for the guys number, he has it somewhere. Then dh doesn't call again for like another 3-4 weeks/yesterday. He got the gunsmith's wife. DH asked her for the other guys name and phone number so he can try to get this resolved and find out when he's getting his rifle back. She says yes, hold on while I get his number. So, what does dh do....he sits there for THIRTY minutes on the phone, waiting for her to come back and finally hung up! He says they didn't get disconnected....

Then he comes up to my office in a complete rant about all this. I said WHY would you sit on hold 30 minutes? Obviously something happened - whether it was disconnected or whatever. I would have hung up after about 10 minutes, max. WHY didn't you hang up, call her back and say "hey, we must have gotten disconnected? I really need to get this guy's name and ph#". His reason was he was too mad right now to call back. He doesn't want to get upset with anyone because then they think he's a jerk...I said who cares? they've had your rifle for over 4 months now! You don't have to be a jerk, but you sure as well can just be matter of fact and forceful and not take excuses as an answer. Also, apparently the lady's husband, the gunsmith (who is supposed to be cleaning the rifle parts, that never got cleaned by the first gunsmith) is on his way back from California, so he isn't there right now. I said just call them back and say you are coming back up on such and such day to pick up your rifle, whether it's done or not. More than likely he's never going to see this gunstock part of it again, since he has no idea who has it and they don't seem to want to give him the guys name and number. He also did not get like a receipt or some kind of proof he left this rifle with the gunsmith. Again, too trusting. I told him the other day his problem is he wants everyone to like him.

I haven't heard from my sis this morning yet, on if she plans to get started training at 8am. I had told her if she wants (should!) rest up, we can start a little later, if she wants. I'm sure she'll be texting me soon. I hope that's all it is and her dad hasn't taken a turn for the worse. That is a bad break for any age, but at 92, he's likely going to go downhill :(

This is our last day of the very hot weather, but it sounds like tomorrow might be dangerous in some areas with some high winds and possible planned power outage(s), but this sounds like the high winds will be more east of us. High winds, hot electrical wires and very dry flammable surroundings aren't a good mix.

My sis just texted me and we will be starting in a half hour. This is good - we are both excited for this.


  1. I hope he did not lose his childhood rifle! I have had a thing or two like that happen to me and it hurts deep and for a long time. I trusted a friend with the first pair of sewing scissors I ever got that Santa gave me. They were very expensive to give to an 11 year old child. They guy told me I never gave him any scissors, just lied. I think I would have to show up at his place and ask for the rest of the rifle and the guy's name and number.

  2. Omg DH and the rifle saga. I hope they just return it to him in good condition. You guys are really hit and miss for the customer service in your area. I hope you and your sister enjoy this first day of work!!

  3. Ugh! A trusted gunsmith is worth his weight in gold. We found one about 45 minutes away. The drive doesn't bother us because he is great...a retired aeronautical engineer, and honest ( for all his political ideas are whackadoodle, lol) After a visit to him, we always drive to a nearby fish shack, then to the beekeeping supply store for beeswax and wicks. The boys, if they go without me, always bring back a candle, and fireweed honey if there is any.

  4. Good customer service is rare and when it comes along it is heartwarming.
    But this gunsmith seems to have no idea how to treat his customers; your dh will never recommend him - quite the reverse I should imagine - so he'll lose potential business.
    It makes no sense to behave this way.
    Good luck to you sis starting work with you; I'm sure you'll both enjoy the new setup. x
