Sunday, March 17, 2024

Keys and clutter

It sure felt like spring yesterday. It got up to 64 and looks to hang around for 2-3 more days. Then we are back into the 40's haha. 

The ham and cheese sliders we had for dinner were good and some leftovers for lunch today. We also had some watermelon with it. I will sometimes buy the watermelon already cut up. I don't know if it's just me or what, but the last couple of years this precut watermelon seems to really have no taste. It's been so long since I bought a whole watermelon I think I forgot the taste of a good watermelon. This summer I'm going to just buy a whole watermelon and cut it up (so it fits and stores in the fridge) and see if it has some flavor to it.

Last night I remembered I forgot to watch this weeks episode of Resident Alien, so I watched that. The writers of the show seem to be pingponging back and forth between really funny episodes and one's that are just kind of "eh". 

I was cleaning out my desk drawer - somehow I have ended up with quite the collection of mystery keys, LOL. Almost 30 keys. I know some of them are my moms - in moving her (2x) I took what keys I found, just in case. Plus over the years I got keys to who knows what. I think some are old mailbox keys. I know one is my old key to get into the office at work (we've since moved offices, LOL). A couple look like house keys, probably duplicates made. I also know I used to have keys to both my parents and my inlaws houses, so a couple are likely that. I don't know why it feels like I shouldn't throw them out....just in case they are for something we need...Oh and I'm pretty sure 2 of them, on a little red string are from my diary when I was 12 😂. One is a key to a Chyrsler...we've never had a Chrysler, I don't think. Maybe it's an old key from my mom's keys, but I don't recall them ever owning that make of car.  My stepdad had a company car years and years ago, maybe it from that. I do know one of the rings with 2 keys I took from my mom. Up until she moved into m/c she had this metal file cabinet that locked and also a small box safe and the keys were for that. I had taken the keys with me, so that she couldn't accidentally lock it up and then hide the keys never to be found again. I think some are to old locking filing cabinets. So, I need to throw away a bunch of keys today.

I just want to keep going through stuff and getting rid of the "junk". There are still drawers to go through. I did throw out an old pair of sandals last week, so that's 2 shoes tossed recently. By no means do I have a cluttered house, at all, but there certainly are lots of things no longer used/needed, etc that can just go. 

While I was just in the kitchen, making dh's egg sandwich, I decided to empty out the big pullout drawer of all the tupperware type containers and lids. I recently bought some nice glass ones with locking lids, so I need to get rid of a bunch of the plastic ones. A lot of them are containers from lunch meat. They were nice to keep for leftovers. I'd decide to keep an empty one, put the container and lid in the drawer, at the same time. Use a container with a lid, at the same time. Wash them when done and put back. So, how I have a whole bunch of containers with no lids is beyond me. Where did they go? I also have a whole bunch of lids that match nothing, as well. Just one of those mysteries of life, I guess. I'm going to get rid of most of it, since I have the glass containers now. Before I throw them in the garbage I'll ask dh if he wants any of them - he might want to store bits and pieces of stuff and could use some of them.

Yesterday I mailed the IRS form 1310, along with a copy of her tax return (that I filed electronically back in January), so I am hoping this fixes the issue and her refund gets issued. It's no small dollar amount, so I'd like to get it resolved. I also keep hoping that her last social security payment will show up in the mail one of these days. They sent me a form to fill out to claim her last payment quite awhile ago. It's my understanding that the payment she received in January (2 days after her death) is for December, so she is owed this. They direct deposited this January payment and then like a week or two later retracted the payment out of her checking. (Geez...what if I would have spent it? or didn't realize it came out and overdrew her account? They could have at least sent a notice it was being retracted). Then they sent me a form to fill out saying they owe her the final month... pay it, LOL. 

I also just did an unclaimed money/property search for my mom and it shows something owed to her from Walgreens for under $25, LOL. I put in a claim, as heir/no probate, so we'll see what may come of it. I also did a search on US Treasury - like savings bonds and such. Interesting that my SS# came up. Boy, that's a hard one to figure out. I've bought savings bonds a few times in the past - we had given them out as prizes to the race kids. I don't recall the details of purchasing them, but I likely had to put my name and ss# as the purchaser? I'm pretty sure we cashed in all the bonds my kids had won, but I'm guessing this could be some bonds I purchased on behalf of other kids that they never cashed? I'll have to look into that a bit more and see what I can find out. 


  1. I just threw away the key to my house that no longer exists. Won't need that. Plus, there were keys in a drawer there. It seems keys accumulate when a person cannot remember and is afraid to toss strange keys. Once, I found a key to my dorm on a ribbon attached to my Greek textbook. Greek was the only class I had where there would be no one at the house.
    Your kids won bonds?
    I always kept a really ratty pair of sandals for walking outdoors, like in mud or chicken yard. I threw them out only when I demoted another pair to ratty So, I always had a pair of shoes that were disgusting.
    How do you make his egg sandwich?

    1. We had a big race every year with our race club and gave out savings bonds instead of trophies. My son won a lot, and dd also won several, which I know I kept safe and secure and we cashed in for their college. These sandals were a nice pair my mom bought me very long ago and very comfortable, but I just plain wore them out and they look ratty. For my chicken coop shoes I have a pair of rubber slip on shoes with chickens on them, LOL.
      For his egg sandwich I scramble up one egg, add a bit of salt and pepper and pour into a small frying pan. As it cooks I pull it all to the middle and let it form a circle (just the size of english muffin) and after I flip it I add 2/3 of a slice of american cheese. I then put on a toasted english muffin and while I'm doing that (and adding a bit of ketchup he likes on it) I toss the canadian bacon ham circle into the frying pan to heat up a bit on each side and then put it on top of the egg. Wrap in foil to keep heated until he gets up. They taste pretty much like a McDonalds egg mcmuffin, especially since I came across you can buy the circles of ham. I used to just break apart a piece of ham lunch meat and add to the scrambled egg mixture

  2. I know the feeling of just wanting to go through and remove "junk." I do it away from my husband. He deliberates over *everything.* Thank goodness he never had the desire to acquire item, and likes things tidy. Seriously, though, he leaves empty jars on the counter rather than tossing them in the recycle bin, claiming he doesn't know if *I* could use it for something. I really think it's the decision making he wants to avoid. He'll also question my tossing things. Honestly, it's infuriating, and I don't respond kindly when he pulls it. I think he had the tools to become a hoarder had circumstances of his life been different. My DD is a bit different. With her, I think it's a case of control. She is also generally tidy, but GOD FORBID you toss something of hers away. Most recently, it was a bouquet of dead flowers....she was saving them, doncha' know. I told her that she had to save them somewhere other than the windowsill. (I can't bear to see things on windowsills.) She wasn't saving them, she just hadn't gotten around to getting rid of them.

    1. Adding for clarification: I used the word "tools" metaphorically, to describe his thought process. I don't mean he hoards tools. I am sure you got that, but want to clarify for your readers!

    2. My dh is the same. I can't even ask him or even tell him I throwing stuff out. I just have to do it. Doesn't matter if it's not even his or something he'd never use - he thinks we need to keep it. Today's bag of garbage included one of those plexiglass big vases, LOL.

  3. Oh the scourge of mysterious keys and tupperware lids! I went through my tupperware sometime ago and yet I STILL keep empty ice cream tubs "just in case" (or is that really just an excuse to buy more ice cream)?

  4. We have the same empty container issue. My mom gives away food, then complains when she never gets the containers back. So many mismatched ones :') someone walked off with my perfect lunch container, I have not seen it since - I am really annoyed by that one.
