Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Better notes and club sandwiches

Yesterday was pretty productive, for a Monday. I have not received a reply back from the gal at the investment office, so I am still waiting to hear on that situation. It's likely she had to put in an inquiry with the estate dept at their corporate office and is waiting herself to hear back. 

So far, though it was only one day, LOL, my new note taking system of using the steno pad seemed to work well. I also appreciate Alice's suggestion to put a date down. My desk is still clean at least ;) 

The last 2 times we have played pool I have really improved all of a sudden. We usually play 5 games and I won 3 of them last night. I should have won 4. I was trying to hit the 8 ball in and it ended up going in the wrong pocket, so I lost. One time I hit 6 of my 7 balls in one turn. Dh was like what the hell?! LOL.

DH pulled out the washer and dryer and cleaned behind and underneath. I think he also pulled the back of the dryer off and vacuumed inside, but he said it wasn't bad at all. Then, while he had them pulled out, I mopped the floor there. Today he said he's going to try to figure out why our led light strip up above the kitchen cabinets is no longer working. It's tied into the same type of lights underneath that cabinets, that works fine. They are led, they should be lasting many years, not less than 5. And hard to believe that come June 1st we will have been in our house 5 years now.

While dh isn't admitting to feeling any better since I added the bigger grounding mat to our bed a week ago, I have definitely noticed he barely snores now. Sleeping on his side, he is off and on, but it's usually just a light snore (prior to grounding). But, often he will turn over onto his back and yikes - he sounds terrible and I always have to nudge him and tell him to roll back onto his side. I have realized when he's on his back and just a light snore now. Even on his side he breathes heavy. Last night I woke up and was not hearing his normal loud breathing. I freaked out for a second and then realized he was just breathing normal now, LOL.

Also, for myself, my heating pad has been a permanent fixture on my recliner for just a little over a year. I use it every evening because my back hurts. I have not used it since last Thursday and that was only for a short period when I first sat down. I have been using the little grounding band (like for foot, ankle, or wrist) around my ankle as I sit there and no or very little back pain. I also use it a bit during the day, while sitting at my desk.

Dinner last night was club sandwiches. I haven't made that in ages and I don't know why. They were so good (as always) and will definitely get added to the menu rotation. Plus they are quick and easy to make. I think the reason I haven't made them in a long time is I don't buy white bread too often and hadn't been buying bacon, either. I had just enough slices of white bread left in the freezer and also a portion of bacon slices I had thawed out. I really like the press n seal plastic wrap I bought. It seems to really keep stuff fresher. 


  1. I think after I see the tax damage, I will look into the grounding mat. It sure seems it can't harm and if relief is available without medication, what a win.

    1. I am in love with my grounding mat. Worth every penny, to me.

  2. When I keep notes in a spiral notebook, I always put a date and time and to whom I spoke. That way, ATT could stop lying. It helps with other notes, too, for other calls received or made.

    That is funny about his lack of loud breathing startling you. The constant flow of electricity is why I don't have a heating pad which I really need.

    I am always surprised what Tommy finds in the freezer. Do you wrap items in the Press N Seal for the freezer instead of a bag?

    1. Most of my notes are just work scribbles, where I need to write something down from an email so I can look it up somewhere else and I don't need a date, but I'm sure I may find it handy to put the date at the start of each days notes. The grounding mat uses no electricity. It's the same as if you went out in your yard and stood in barefeet. I've been wrapping items with the press n seal and then putting inside a freezer bag.
