Sunday, March 3, 2024

Pretty pictures

Woke up to another couple of inches of fresh snow. Maybe this will stick around a bit longer than a few hours, as it's supposed to stay around freezing temperature.

As expected, dd sent some great pictures of their snowshoe hike. 

I love this picture of her.

Yesterday I did some housecleaning, mostly cleaned the main bathroom. Dh was in his den working on putting something together and it had a tiny little spring that his fingers didn't hold on to and it bounced off and across the room. We spent a half hour looking for it (and his den is not even very big) and finlly found it had gone under his cabinet. He is constantly doing this out in his shop. Drops a nut or bolt and then can't find it.  

I got half of my desk decluttered. The other side is still a mess of papers I need to go through. I also have a garbage bag half full now, which most of it was from my 2 small wastebaskets that were full. My goal today is to go through the rest. DH also wants me to print out some labels for his ammo cans, so he knows what's in them, rather than having yellow sticky notes on them. I bought a pack of labels for the printer and need to find the template online and figure out how to use them.

I just realized last night that season 2 of Bosch Legacy is out, since last October. How did I miss that? I love this show, so I will definitely start watching that.  It looks like there are 10 episodes. 

Until I get my inheritance, we are on hold with what we want to use some of it for, on the house, garage and shop. But, that's ok - it's giving us time to compare products and shop around for the best pricing. 

My "cruise" savings account is up to $424. My plan is to use this for extra "fun" money on the trip, as well as I should have about $290 in onboard credits to use for extras. 

Ok, I took a quick break from writing this and got the other half of my desk cleaned up. Much better! A good way to start the day off. Plus, I now hear dh up and about, so I'll go downstairs to say good morning.


  1. Those really are quite lovely photos. What is the location? Tommy drops and loses more stuff than I do. Of course, we both look for whatever it is. I want a thin, flexible thing to reach under stuff. I really want it to have a little camera, but probably will not get a device like that.

    1. The location is in the Cascade Mountain range in WA. DH has this tool device with a camera on it. It's come in handy when needed.

  2. Those pictures are breathtaking. I think your cruise fund should come in so handy, you two are not huge drinkers so you won't want to spend it on alcohol, means you can pick up some small trinkets and anything you don't spend is saved $$$!

    1. We aren't alcohol drinkers at all, but I will enjoy my morning mocha, haha. Plus, I think dh might want to do the onboard tour of the ship. I didn't pre-book that and figured we could play that one by ear. Or we can use it at one of the specialty dining places.

  3. I love a good declutter. This week I'm taking my spare ironing board to a charity shop ( goodwill )
    I don't need an ironing board at all, never mind a spare one! Any quick ironing is done on a towel on the kitchen table.

    The cruise is a great event to look forward to and save for.

    1. I got rid of my ironing board (it was so old!) awhile back as well. I rarely used it and haven't missed it. I usually just use Downy wrinkle releaser on clothes. I was going to just get a small table top type board, but still haven't felt the need for one. Like you said, an towel on the table also works just as well.
