Monday, March 25, 2024

Baking and snow

I kept pretty busy yesterday, while watching it snow most of the day. It never did stick on the pavement or concrete. I made up the recipe for vanilla ice cream, to chill all day in the fridge. I had some over ripe bananas, so I made a loaf of banana bread, too. I put it in the oven and forgot to set the timer! But, I had a general idea of how long it had been in, so I just watched for it to get done looking and tested with a toothpick. Sometimes I end up throwing out old bananas and realized I could mash them up for a cups worth (what my recipe calls for) and freeze it, for when I have time to make it. I will do that next time I'm about to throw out bananas.

I got my Costco membership ordered online. I have to take in a printed out email with us, when we go next Saturday for our eye exams, to the membership desk so we can get our cards. I printed it out and put it in my purse, so I don't forget it. The offer was still good for a $40 Costco card with an executive membership. It sounds like I will get emailed that within 2 weeks.

When I got my account created with Costco online I had to verify myself. Well, that was a bit creepy. It asked some multiple choice verification questions. One was a street house and street number and asked what city it is in...I didn't recognize any of the addresses, but one of the cities was where I lived.......when I was 12. Then I remembered that was the house/street address. What in the hell? I don't even remember my address from when I was 12, but this verification system knows where I lived when I was 12, under my maiden name?! It's not like I ever had a checking or credit card at that age.

Dinner was the leftovers reheated and some soft ice cream in cones for dessert. The soft ice cream maker machine doesn't really seem to work for me to have the soft ice cream drop out into the cone. It's too thick (even though I didn't churn it as long this time). It really needs something that would help push the ice cream out, I think. But it tastes really good, good texture, and I just spooned it into our cones and then froze the rest. 

Mr "hunter cat" caught a bird yesterday (or he already found it dead, which is more likely considering he is a terrible hunter), which is extremely rare for him. He almost got inside with it, as dh was opening the door to let him in. Then he was not happy that dh wouldn't let him bring it inside, LOL. It was a pretty big one, too, which makes it even more likely he didn't kill it. The only things I have ever seen him catch (and not very often) is field mice, but he doesn't try to bring them in the house. Inside he's very good about catching flies, LOL. 

Time to get my shoes on (and a winter hat with my jacket) and trek out to the mailbox to get the form returned to SS. And then get my work day/week started.


  1. I did freeze bananas for banana bread later, but I don't need the sweet, and Tommy hates bananas with a passion. But, it is a good idea to keep from wasting food and having bananas ready to go for banana bread. I would eat the whole thing. And, freezing the bread is not the answer. I can eat it

    Kitty was just bringing home food for his family. Hunting flies is a good skill to have in the house.

    I have a friend who tells me that blogs are just people getting my information and using it for nefarious purposes. She is quite sure she is being tracked as we all are. So, she stays on the internet on 'safe' places. I think all we may be able to keep from the internet is our weight. I don't give out information, but I, too, have been shocked at what I find about myself which is mostly address and telephone numbers I had long ago. However, I have not found anything under my maiden name while search for me.

    I would send you some of our warm since we are using the ac.

  2. The other day I hunted for Sodastream refill bottles on Amazon and half an hour later they were suggesting them on my Facebook page - which is firmly a friends only page.
    They're clever, these algorithms, or whatever they call themselves!

    1. We just talk about stuff and our computers are showing ads.

  3. Amos is a hunter in his eyes, lol!
