Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Silly cat and husband

Amos says "look mom! It's warm out now and I can roll around on the ground". Actually it was me seeing him out there and asking him if he wanted to come inside and this was his way to tell me no, he did not. LOL.

I just got payroll finished and I see it's time for a short lunch break, so I'll see if I can get this blog post done. I don't know much new. Other than it sounds like my uncle is just going to leave his inheritance in the inherited IRA account for now (per a call he made to me today about it). He says he doesn't need the money for anything right now. So, I had assumed the many many inquiries (starting like a week after my mom died) asking me when and how much, were just because he was wanting the money for something asap. If that's not the case, then I can only assume he was asking me all the time because he had forgotten he already had asked me about it. At least if he leaves his money there, it's safe for the time being. 

I'm still super tired today. Usually I hit my tired spot around 3pm but it's only noon, LOL. 

Yesterday I cut a bunch of length off my hair. This morning I was in the bathroom working on getting a bit of layering back in and dh walks in. "what are you doing?" I said cutting my hair. "You cut your own hair?" I said yes, have you seen me go to a hairdresser in the last 7 years?!  "well...no....but I guess I just figured your hair wasn't growing anymore". OMG. Men! LOL.


  1. Amos is living his best life!
    Men!! I swear. They just don't get it.
    That's a riot:):););)

  2. It just wasn't growing anymore. #BlessIt

    I'm sad the way things have turned out with uncle. It does seem like he's forgetting a lot of things. Did you ever get a phone number of someone in case you can't get hold of him?

  3. I wondered, too, if you got a number. Maybe you need to do that alone in an email. Or, ask him first thing before he gets off on something else.
    So, your hair quit growing? That is a good trick. Sometimes, men just don't make sense, like not knowing you cut your own hair. If I don't get mine cut, I may start again. Or, give Tommy a good talking to before he cuts mine. He does not like to do it. Last time, he cut my hair, it took months to grow out.

  4. LOL! Silliness from both the men you live with!

  5. Ha ha, you're hair isn't growing any more!!!!! I lop chunks off my hair too, and then inevitably make an appointment to go to the hairdresser's a couple of days later!
