Saturday, March 2, 2024

Snowy Saturday

I continue to "declutter" my finances and also closed out a Home Depot card I opened in 2021. I have no idea why I opened it! They don't offer any discount or cash back. The only thing I can think is maybe they were offering a special deal when I opened it and I took advantage of a discount on a purchase. This card was the easiest to close. I was able to do it online by sending a secure message and a minute later got a reply back that it's been closed.

We continue to very much enjoy our pool table. Playing almost daily. I was on fire last night, LOL. I won 3 of the 5 games and the other 2 were really close. I even got a ball in a pocket on a break, which I have never done before. My breaks are pretty weak and I am trying to figure out how to get stronger with them.

My dd and her dh are enjoying their new snow shoes. They went out on a hike last weekend. Then later had dinner with the couple they went to Scotland with and now they want to try it out, so they are all going on a hike in the mountains today. She will always message us some pretty pictures after they are done, or stop to take a break. They sure try to keep healthy by eating good foods and getting outdoors. Here is a picture of some wonderful food from her recent shopping trip. 

They are always cooking from scratch and eat very little premade meals. Then she sent me this picture of some chocolate muffins she made with bananas and peanut butter. These are a must try next time I have 3 ripe bananas, haha. The recipe she sent me looks quick and easy. And her plate is adorable :)

It just started snowing again. But by afternoon it will likely be all melted away. DH didn't even have to shovel yesterday. It warmed up and was gone almost as quick as it came.

DD just messaged me. It's 7am her time and she's already busy. She's waiting for her grocery pick up at Walmart and then back home to pack up their hiking stuff and food and water and then on their way to pick up their friends. I'm sure we'll get some great pictures later.

I need to get my desk/office area cleaned up. It's become a big mess of papers and whatnot again. That's my project this morning, after breakfast. Most of it will involve a garbage bag, haha.

Here's my view out my office window this morning

 Enjoy your Saturday!




  1. The snowshoes are interesting. I don't think I have ever known of anyone who used snowshoes. Maybe someone I knew did. But, I was not aware. Has she always been concerned with healthy eating? At what age did she start becoming food conscious?
    The snow is pretty. That is how I would like it--snow and melt immediately.

    1. I would say she's been more food conscious in the last 3-4 years (she's 28 now). She's always been good about trying new foods and not picky (unlike the rest of us, LOL) so I'm sure that helps.

    2. I would think it is unusual for the child to be least picky in family.
