Sunday, March 10, 2024

Spring ahead

I've been waking up earlier than my usual 7am anyway, so it was pretty easy to get up this morning at 7:20 (really 6:20). DH really slept in yesterday, and I was trying to not make much noise and let him get caught up on some sleep, but I had things needed to get done, so finally at 10:40 I went and got myself in the shower, so I could get my chores going. If I put it off any longer, otherwise by early afternoon I'd lose my energy. He got up then, so after my shower I got the sheets off the bed and into the wash. I took the mop upstairs and mopped the bathroom. I had already dusted upstairs earlier. Then I vacuumed all the upstairs. Later I dusted downstairs. Remade the bed...and took a nap! I will say my back was not as bad after all that vacuuming. 

Dh showed me the lighting he installed inside the safe. Looks nice and gives off good light. He also went outside and took down all the snow stakes around the driveway. He was asking me if he should do it or not, yet. I said do you want it to snow? of course he does, LOL. I said then take them down - then it will snow, LOL.

My desk and office is all cleaned up and tidy, but I do have a stack of papers that need to be shredded, so I'm going to work on that today, as well as do some cleaning downstairs. We haven't played pool in like 3 or so days - because dh has been too tired from staying up too late. I'm not sure what time he went to bed last night. Sometimes I don't even wake up enough to realize he's come to bed. Sometimes I do, but not enough to open my eyes and see what time it is.

DH participates in this message board (car guys from all over) and one of the guys he got friends with online, only lives a couple hours from us, so last June he and his wife had come over to meet us and since then have come over a couple of times and stayed the weekend and we went and did sight seeing stuff. But the past few months it sounds like they have been having marriage problems (2nd marriage for both of them) and yesterday morning he texted dh his wife was in the process of moving out. DH ended up talking on the phone with him a bit, but honestly too much drama for me. Dh really doesn't even want to deal with it, either. I'm 60 years old, I'm at the point in life where I just want peace and quiet and I don't need other peoples drama in my life. Of course I feel bad for them, but it sounds like they are just making it worse/harder for themselves in the process. I know we all have problems to deal with at times, and I don't mind lending an ear, but I'm not going to make it a big part/focus of my life.  Plus, it's not like we have a long friendship history with this guy and his wife - we barely know them, really.  I hope things settle down for him, soon, and he can get back on track, as he does seem like a very nice guy.

Dh has a saying: You are only the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. And at our age we've realized we want to surround ourselves with good solid (and boring! haha) people....or just stick to ourselves, LOL. That sounds just as good, haha. DH has participated in this message board forum for years and about 3 or 4 weeks ago decided to take a break from it and he hasn't gone back to make posts. He said he just realized that so many of the participants are just either idiots, assholes, drunks, and/or all of that. He realized that while it's "only" online, it is who he has been surrounding himself with for quite awhile and with the exception of a few, most of them aren't who he would spend a minute with in real life, most likely. This message board has basically been dh's "hobby" for a long time, so he is still reading some of the posts, but he's not participating and said he's realized he's not missing it as much as he thought he would.

Well, for some reason, as today is progressing, I'm feeling like we set the clocks back  and hour instead of forward.


  1. Solid and boring! I like that kind of person. Drinking, infidelity, cursing, late nights out...not my kind of person, now or ever. There have been a few times in my life that I have had to scrape people off my plate. Drama is tiring. Of course, some real trauma is bearable, but not the kind that is perpetuated by the 'friend.'

    I am glad that DST has been bearable.

    1. Drama is very tiring. I barely have enough energy for my own life, LOL.

  2. Some people have nothing but their online forums. They sometimes cannot make friends in real life, or their attitude is obvious and online is the only place it is tolerable!

    1. I think why dh had enjoyed it, is he enjoys writing about stuff. This forum/board has many topics going on and dh is a good writer and can also explain his stance on something very well. A few have reached out to him to make sure he's ok (he's fine!) and some have said they are missing his "stories". But again, the jerks are outweighing the good ones and making it not enjoyable anymore.

    2. Yupp, too many nasty folks out there. A shame, I follow a group for the British TV show As Time Goes By - and there was a member who wrote out stories for folks to read, and he was so good and folks enjoyed it.

    3. I guess it's the same as the trolls in blogging. These guys on the forum board, almost all are anonymous (by choice, which is completely understandable), hide behind their screen name and because they have miserable lives they get their kicks out of being miserable to everyone.
