Thursday, March 7, 2024

Good news and not so good news

Finally, the inherited IRA's got funded yesterday. I looked yesterday afternoon at my new online account and it was there. Of course, I immediately texted my uncle to let him know his IRA account should now be funded, so take a look online (he had told me a couple weeks ago he figured out how to access it online). There started a very strange conversation and I'm pretty sure Linda is right - he's starting to have memory issues and that is what was causing the repeated asking about this money. CRAP!!  I really don't know if there is anything I can do - he's over 500 miles away. He has no wife or kids, but does have a lot of good friends, as he's lived there for many many years. When he was updating his will a couple years or so ago and was telling me about that, I tried to ask make sure he had DPOA set up and he said his good friends daughter, which he totally trusts, will be the one to take care of everything. I know his house is set up in a trust (per county property records where he lives) so I am assuming that's what he meant when he said his "will".

I have a term life insurance policy I got back in 2015, with dh as the beneficiary. I just had a thought the other day that back then, I probably didn't think to list dd as the contingent beneficiary. I logged into the account and was able to do that. So, just in case something happened to both dh and I at the same time, she would be the beneficiary 100%. I have her as the contingent beneficiary on everything else. Now we just need to get our trust set up and everything estate wise will be accounted for.

We've had that old gun safe for sale and seem to have a guy interested. Then since he messaged last night, I've had 2 other inquiries about it. One asked if it was still available at 5am. I replied back at 7am it was, but nothing back. Then another guy just offered $400. I just replied No thank you. Then the first guy just replied that hes trying to figure out how to get help to load and I again, said my dh can load it for him, as long as he brings a blanket to use underneath it, it will slide it easily. So, I guess he's thinking about it, LOL. I hate selling stuff on Marketplace or Craigslist. Fortunately the big stuff we've sold, like a car, a trailer and a quad, went super quick, but little stuff is a pain to deal with these people. They are such a waste of time.

Ok, I think the gun safe is sold. The guy says he'll be here mid afternoon today. That will be nice to get that gone and get some cash back for it.

My goodness, dh seemed to wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Going to be a fun day, I guess.


  1. I have found that when people have a bit of money, they have friends to help them...right out of money. If he is starting to slip, the friends can help him more and much more easily. It is sad.

    Maybe dh can settle down after he eats.

    1. Hopefully he'll be ok and have enough to get by his remaining years. (he says he does) and he has VA benefits (and disability?) but I don't know if they cover any long term care, if he gets to that point. Other than just trying to keep in touch with him and check in with him regularly, there's not much I can do with any of it.

  2. Oh that is so sad to hear about your uncle. I was hoping he just wanted the money. Sigh. I hope the folks he has around him are trustworthy. You had to act quickly with your mom and step siblings, uncle has no one to really look out for his best interests.

  3. Well considering your mom I guess you're not surprised? If he has had friends for years I'm sure your uncle trusts them.

  4. Sorry to hear about your uncle. And no, there isn't much you can do, is there?

    1. ya, it's a bummer, that's for sure. But, I tend to forget he will be 80 next month.
