Monday, March 18, 2024

New title

I was playing around with updating/changing the name of my blog, but changing the blogger url to match somewhat the blog title, then I guess I lose everyone who has onefamilyoneincome.blogspot saved as a favorite link. So, I'm still working on it trying to figure it out. If you went to my blog this afternoon and saw it was "closed", that's why. When I started the blog it was about me, dh and the 2 kids. Now it's just about me and dh and now entering the decade leading into retirement. I wanted an update. 

If I end up changing it, I'll give plenty of warning :)


  1. This showed up on my blog under the new name.

    1. I take it back. It showed up under old name. But, I have it on my blog roll, so it will show up, anyway.
