Sunday, March 24, 2024

Back up to speed

The last thing I tried (per the tech support), to get my internet speed back, was to unplug all our google wi-fi system pucks. My computer is hard wired via an Ethernet cable directly into the modem/router, so when I unplugged the google system my computer was back at full speed. I hoped it was just a reset needed and not something wrong with the google system. I then plugged the 4 pucks back in, got wi-fi back, and at first the test speed was good (that's what it did everytime I unplugged the router/modem) but went back to low, but at least had 5mbps (ya we live rural haha). Then about an hour later it finally was back to normal speed. So, likely it was something on the provider end and I wasted an hour try to do stuff on my end. It's been fine since.

Then I went into the bonus room tv to see how to get dh's music playlist on Youtube Premium to play. He coudn't find it the night before, plus I think the remote needed new batteries. I got the new batteries in and was looking thru the menus on his youtube account. I was thinking maybe the app on this smart tv needs updating and he walks into the room, wanting to play pool, and somehow found his playlist, so I guess that's fixed LOL.

My dd just messaged me. She was up at 3:15 (good grief!) this morning to leave her hotel in Orlando and is flying back home. She had just boarded her connecting flight and knew I'd be up now, to say hello, before her plane taxied out.

New news: DAN's house he has been trying to sell since October of 2021 has been taken off the market. It could mean several things, either way, but will be interesting to see what is next with this saga.

For dinner last night I made a chicken and stovetop dressing dish. I haven't made it in quite awhile, but it was a good change and always tastes good. There is enough for leftovers and dh said he'll have it for dinner again tonight. It's rare he eats leftovers, so I'm happy I don't have to make dinner tonight ;)  I was thinking about making some more soft ice cream yesterday but never did (and then of course last night he asked if we had any ice cream), so I will get some made today.

I also de-scaled my Keurig yesterday. The light had come on a couple days before, but I couldn't remember how to do it, so had to look it up. Oh, that's right - not spending $8 for a bottle of Keurig descaler and used the vinegar and water method I had found on youtube before. So, for less than .50 cents I descaled my Keurig. It takes a few more flushes of clean water through it, to get out the vinegar smell/taste residue, but that is easy and I just did it was I was waiting for dinner to bake.

And the mail from Social Security was not my mom's last check, It was a letter saying I needed to fill the form out again because I missed filling in a box. I don't know why I hadn't taken a copy of the first form I sent in, but I'm 99.9% sure I did fill in that box, but whatever. I did what the instructions in the letter said and filled it out again and also signed and dated on the letter they sent, per the instructions. And this time I took a copy of it all. So, I guess I'll be waiting at least another 6 weeks again.

My uncle called last night and said he has an appt on the 27th with a financial advisor for advice on what to do with his inherited IRA. I said that is a great idea. Then in true uncle fashion, he asks how we're doing and says Ok, talk to you later!. LOL My phone says the call was 40 seconds long. LOL.


  1. Do you have a link to the Stovetop chicken recipe? Funny story: Two of my kids went to a store, and being my kids, they perused the clearance section, and came home with several damaged boxes of Stovetop stuffing for fifty cents each.

    1. Here is the link, though the actual dish doesn't look like the dry stuffing in the picture. It's like the stuffing texture when you make it (LOL).

  2. I've made the stuffing casserole before- it is a winner and can be made with any stuffing ng cubes and broth instead of water. When you work from home speedy Internet is essential.

  3. I have cooked Stove Top Stuffing with chicken, but never a 'recipe.' I will try the recipe. SS is always a winner. His eating leftovers is good news for you, I know.
    So, what can DAN be doing?
    That really was a short telephone call.

    1. Uncles calls are always super short, but I guess that's good because I don't really like to talk on the phone much either.

  4. Yellow Shoes
    It can be very annoying when a form isn't accepted because a particular line wasn't filled in.
    The helpful forms ( well, the better designed ones anyway! ) alert you to the missing line before you do the final 'submit'

    1. The stupid part, in this day and age, is that you can't do this form online with Social Security.

    2. Yellow Shoes
      Oh no!
      Now that really is annoying.
      Mind you, here in the UK government forms nearly always HAVE to be submitted online which discriminates between people with broadband and people without.
