Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Update and appointments made

I finally got a reply to my email asking about the status of the inherited IRA's. She said she recently updated one of my stepbrothers last week and she called the estate dept to find out what is taking so long. They are just apparently dragging their feet and she put an expedited request on the process and they told her we all should get funded sometime this week. She said if nothing has been done by Thursday, she will call the estate dept again. She apologized for the delay and said it has never taken this long before. Did a lot of customers die at once and they have too many to process than usual?

I, of course, then texted my uncle right away with this info. He is so weird, now acting like oh no big deal..."I'm just putting the money in my will to give to someone, I don't need it"...whatever that means, LOL. Then he again asked how much and I again (I think this is the 4th time) told him how much I'm estimating it to be (I'm estimating a bit low).

I also finally got dh and I scheduled for eye exams for new glasses. Both our vision is getting so bad, so new glasses will be a big help. My vision insurance accepts Costco Optical so I decided to use Costco again. Kill 2 birds with one stone, LOL. Get a Costco membership, which I kind of have been thinking about getting, anyway. We probably won't shop there a lot, but I know come next Christmas I can go there for those big nice wreaths. We are just going to have go figure out what is a good day/time to go there when we want to shop there and not be there with a huge crowd. That is why I have always hated Costco, before. Plus, their optical is open on Saturday's, so I have us scheduled at the end of this month. That was the first Saturday they had back to back appt times open. We've waited this long, we can go another 3 1/2 weeks. Now I need to get signed up for a Costco membership again. It's been so long since I've had a membership there, I don't remember what food/brands they sell, that I would want to buy in bulk. I'm guessing chicken breast would be good. Dh's Mountain Dew.  I'm kind of hoping maybe it's something we can go do every couple of months to stock up on some things. 

The Costco Optometry info says it takes 7-10 days to get the new glasses, so I scheduled my annual checkup with my dr, (near Costco) 15 days from our eye exam and am hoping we can pick up our glasses after my dr. appt.  It worked out to 15 days out, due to the availability of appointment times with my doctor. I'm also going to call and see if I can get my mammogram scheduled just before my dr appt, as well. It's in the same facility.


  1. Around here, the trick is to go to Costco when the Seahawks are playing.

    1. LOL - here it's probably when the college team is playing ;)

  2. I was just going to suggest going during grizzly football games lol. We go over to that Costco now and then. It’s usually early afternoon during the week, and honestly it’s never that bad. I’m sure weekends are different. I used to go on saturdays during soccer season and it was pretty busy, but not insane like Tucson and phoenix always were.
    As for what to buy, I use their coupon book as a guide. Some things never go on sale, that I buy there too though. A few things I always get there are garbage bags, rotisserie chicken, chicken thighs and breasts, dishwasher tablets, paper towels, butter, yeast, Metamucil and otc medicine and vitamins, ham steaks, jet dry, nuts, egg noodles,, better than bouillon, dawn powerwash, and frozen salmon and shrimp. Some of these go on sale, others don’t. I also watch for clearance item-prices ending in .97, and maybe .00. Haven’t quite figured the .00 out yet. I also find great deals on clothes and household items, but typically wait for clearance on that stuff because that falls into the wants category and not needs lol. I check prices against wm using the wm app, because not everything is a good deal at Costco, namely canned goods, meat and produce. Well produce might be but the quantity is usually too big. I do buy the romaine sometimes, and potatoes. Oh, and I love many of their bakery items, which is why I have to walk through there with my head down lol. Obviously I love Costco lol.


    1. oh ya, I forgot about the monthly coupon book. You've given me lots of ideas of stuff to look for. My plan is to have dh and myself take some time (probably the day we pick up the glasses) to shop and just walk through the whole store so I know what's all available and where to find it.

  3. I just thought of something else. Dh buys bear spray there. He also got a ladder one time, and a gun safe. Lawn fertilizer and potting soil are a great deal on sale, but so freaking heavy. He always looks at the coupon book, but doesn’t usually find stuff, luckily, since his wants are usually expensive lol. He’s compared prices for tires too.


  4. We created a list to remind us of what we buy at Costco. During the month (or 2 month period), we check things off & go through the ad, so all we have to do is run down the list & see if we missed anything, before leaving. With just 2 of us we can't use up fruit & veggies, etc. before they go bad, so don't buy those. We'll buy non-food items like paper towels & TP, OTC vitamins, cleaning supplies & laundry detergent, etc. Our list has these categories: Meats/Cold/Frozen, Groceries, Bakery/Snacks, Paper/ Plastic, Health Items, Household items, Cleaning Supplies, Miscellaneous items. Of course, your mileage may vary :)

    1. Hi, thanks for the tips! Your list sounds just like what my dd told me they buy. She also said they can't eat up the produce fast enough. She also told me to ignore all the packages of snacks near the front. They are all like $10 and you throw 3 of them in your cart and now you've just spent another $30 LOL. I said oh, yes, I remember that from when I had a membership before ;)

    2. They do have a few snack items I buy. Right now they have these little Girl Scout thin mint cookie ball things. They are really good. I also bought Dh a bag of Kirkland sweet and heat snack mix that he really likes, and it was a reasonable size. I have bought the individual variety packs of cookies, and we did get through them eventually. But I agree, most of the snacks are just too big for us.

    3. we were there with dd and sil on Black Friday and I grabbed a bag of these seasonal peppermint bark pretzels....they were so good. LOL

  5. I went to Cosco's years ago with a friend. I remember sizes were too large for just me. Tommy had Sam's Club membership after working there, so he has kept it. So, we won't get a card. I desperately need glasses!
