Monday, March 18, 2024

More decluttering

As I expected, dh took all the extra plastic containers and lids I didn't want, LOL. I'm sure most of that had nothing to do with him actually needing them for something specific. I at least did get all the lids that match none of it thrown out. I also have another kitchen garbage bag almost filled with stuff out of my upstairs closet. I threw out the cable wires and misc adapters that I don't know what any of them go to. I did keep the pc power cords and various monitor cables. I have several brand new, from something I ordered wrong. Or maybe they came with my monitors but they didn't work with my set up. Actually, I think it was a set of each. One came with my monitors and one work sent me, but they were wrong. But they are still wrapped nicely in plastic packages, so I'll keep them, just in case they could be used for some other set up we end up with. Some of the papers in one bin is stuff I pulled out of my mom's filing cabinet before I moved her to m/c and donated the filing cabinet. I'm sure I can toss/shred most of it, but I just haven't made time to sit and go through it. I think I am close to getting these 2 bins condensed down to one, though.

I just got paid $14.15 in "Honey" rewards to my paypal account from the purchase of the 2 big chairs for the bonus room. I had forgotten about those cashback rewards. It's getting added to my "Cruise" savings fund in paypal.

Looks to be another beautiful, warm, sunny day ahead. I was very happy and relieved to find an email this morning from my blogger/email friend that she is recovering. I breathed a huge sigh of relief and thanks.

I don't know if dh still plans to take his rifle to that other guy for a look at it. He just got up, but I'm sure he probably will go do that. I thought his friend (the one we are going on the cruise with) had his shoulder surgery last week, but it's today. So, they were on the phone quite late last night. Friend probably wasn't going to sleep much anyway, due to worrying. We had another friend have this type of shoulder surgery several years ago and even with him being very good about his PT and even doing more on his own, it still took him several months to get his shoulder back to normal. He was also a very active guy, where the friend who is having surgery today, is not and not in very good shape, so I'm guessing his recovery will be longer.

My misc all day note jotting while working is working out well with the steno notepad. My desk is tidier and my notes are way easier to look back on, if necessary. 

DH was doing some stuff out in the garage right around dinner time yesterday, so by the time he came back in the house at 6pm I just asked him do you want a cheeseburger for dinner or just have the leftover sliders. He chose the sliders so those got all eaten and I didn't have to make anything. I had had one for lunch, but he had a normal sandwich, so we still had several sliders left for dinner. I also used up the remaining watermelon, so none of that went to waste. Often I don't finish it and end up giving the scraps to the chickens. I'm still getting about 1 egg a day from them.

I have a feeling this week is going to just fly by, as the past weeks have been.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for decluttering! My mom did a lamb shoulder over the weekend, and I did some spaghetti - we also have soup and vegetables on deck, so we are all sorted out for meals! I hope we get nice weather up here as well :)- I am sure Amos is going to enjoy being outside, I hope he stays safe!
