Saturday, March 16, 2024


Well, upon closer inspection dh is not very happy with how his childhood rifle got "restored". I don't know if it's just dh or this happens to other people, but he rarely gets what he pays or what he asked for or was told would be done. Now that he's looking at it closer- it was worth the $100 the guy wanted to charge, not the $200 dh paid him. DH assumed all the parts were cleaned up..the scope, the magazine, etc. He had told dh he has a parts washer to clean parts and it would also be re-sighted with his laser tool, which was very doubtful. It really just appears he took off the parts, sanded it down, restained it and put the parts back on. Didn't clean any of it, at all. Plus, it's not really the color and shine, it originally was. He stained it a lighter color and didn't put any clear coat on it. Dh had wanted it cleaned up and restored (ie everything cleaned and making sure it shoots and shoots straight) and the stock redone because it was all scratched up.

Our neighbor had told dh of another guy about an hour away who does a good job restoring guns, but dh decided to try this guy, since he was nearby. Guess he should have listened to Mr. Neighbor. I've told dh now to just take it to that other guy and have him start over with it. Dh has a picture of what the stain and sheen was on the stain, so he can show him.

I don't know if dh just doesn't make himself clear enough in what he wants done (I wasn't there when he dropped it off) but dh told me what the guy said he would do to restore it, so that is what dh expected. So, this was $200 wasted. DH has no desire to take it back to the guy and complain - obviously if this is the quality of his work, dh doesn't want him working on it anymore. This type of thing happens to dh all the time. It must be him that is the problem in communicating or expecting more than he ends up with.

Did I tell you about the $200 he got scammed out of a couple months ago? And then just last week he was very close to wanting to order something online that was a great deal at $1000......Because of the dollar amount, he of course had me look at it (and to see if I'd ok the purchase) and I said no...check into it more - too many red flags and if the deal is too good to be true, it most likely is. So, he checked into it more the next morning and sure enough it was a scam. He ended up talking to the guy who really owned the business (this scammer was using his business name and another similar business's website copy, but put the prices really low). The next day this business owner texted dh and said he had someone actually show up at his place of business to pick up what he ordered.....only he had ordered it from the scammer! So, I'm glad I made him look into it more. Now, this gun restoring guy isn't a scammer, but he sure is lazy and didn't do what he said he would. I'm just tired of being out money, for little or no results.

We left the house at 8am this morning to get groceries and other stuff. Why is Walmart always out of gallons of drinking water? They haven't had any in stock for months. I usually buy a couple jugs for my coffee maker water. We got there right at 8:50 when I got the notification my order was ready to pick up. Then we stopped in the other grocery store for the frozen hamburger patties...and I picked up a few gallons of drinking water (they had plenty). Then we stopped at Lowes for a closet rod and the yard grub killer for this coming yard season. Then we stopped at the feed store for the bags of fertilizer we use on the lawn in spring, summer and fall. This time we just purchased the whole years worth at once and be done with it and not have to stop in there again in summer and fall. The only other stuff we will need this year for the yard is the casoron weed killer. This is all in my $1000 annual yard maintenance budget. The casoron stuff is so expensive, but it works great on all the gravel and non grass areas.

We were home by 10:30, which was really nice. It's a really sunny nice day and the temp is climbing up to 61. It always feels good to have a stocked kitchen again. Then I made us lunch and got a load of laundry going. Tonight's dinner will be ham and swiss cheese sliders. I haven't made those in awhile.

I'm going to skip making a dessert this weekend. I need to cut down on the sweets and calories!


  1. Oh that's disappointing for DH. $200 is no small amount. I'm glad he told you about the $1,000.00 scam. It's so easy to scam folks these days. I hope the other place can help DH get his rifle to its original glory.

  2. No, it is not him. If I take something to have it shortened, I should not have to tell the person the steps to do the job right. I would expect the person to measure the length cut off, not
    'eyeball' it. Nor would I expect the person to just fold the extra under instead of cutting it off. I should not have to tell a person not to hem with machine where stitches show. I would expect a hidden stitch, machine or hand sewn. And, I would expect the matching color of thread and thread that is not rotten since rotten thread will very soon fail. I am continually disappointed at the quality of work from people who should know better. So, I sound picky when asking for what I need done.
    I think I would call the guy or visit and point out what he had done or not done and suggest he needed to give me back $100 since so much was left undone. If dh said the word 'restored,' he is well within his rights to ask. Of course, I would just walk away if he did not give me my money.
    I saw a greenhouse that was way underpriced last year--$100 instead of $1000. It was a scam. I knew it but had to figure out the scam.

  3. That sux that the guy didn't restore his gun as asked/expected. I'm sure your dh is very disappointed. I would at least call the guy & bitch. :0~ But I certainly wouldn't let him touch the gun a 2nd time. People just don't give a rat's ass.
    I do 90% of my shopping at Walmart & I never come home with everything on my list. It's frustrating for sure. But no one can beat their prices within 50 miles.
    Enjoy your Sunday !

  4. Yellow Shoes

    I'm afraid it was the man and not your dh at fault.
    For him not to do a first rate and careful job when he's being paid well shows how little pride he takes in his work.
    Does he not want the work?
    He won't get a recommendation from your dh, quite the opposite I should imagine, so how does he hope to succeed in the business?
    Second rate service in any business drives me mad.
    If I walk into a cafe for instance and the first thing I notice is tables not cleared while the staff are chatting to each other and nobody looks up to greet you I can guarantee that after a few months the business will have closed and the owners will complain on Facebook that the local people did not support a local business!
