Friday, March 15, 2024

A catch up day

I got busy doing bank reconciliations for work and that drains my brain, so I didn't end up creating a blog post yesterday. DH got the new screws he ordered for the pool table light in the mail, so he got that put back together. Hopefully that is the last of dealing with the light.

Three months ago dh took his childhood rifle to a guy to get restored. The guy is pretty slow, LOL, and it was finally done and ready yesterday, so he went and picked that up. Somehow dh's younger brother ended up with dh's rifle (as well as his own). Dh's dad bought each of them a hunting rifle when they were like 11/12. Dh's had a dark stock and brothers had a light wood stock. When dh asked his brother if by chance he had his rifle he said ya, but I sold it...then dh said the dark one? and brother said no, the light one. Well, then it was figured out/remembered by brother that the dark one was dh's. In one of brother's rare acts of goodness, he gave dh the rifle back. I highly doubt he sold either one, and just said that to dh. Of course it was in pretty bad condition. A guy in town took it all apart and sanded and re stained it, etc. It looks nice and then he tells dh "$100". DH was like NO WAY! Dh was expecting it to cost like at least $500. They finally settled on $200.

I just got a grocery order placed for pick up tomorrow morning. Even though dh doesn't like getting up early, he did like getting into the city early last time and the less traffic, so I scheduled it between 9 and 10am. If we get there by 9 we should be back home by 10, which will be nice. It was 3 weeks since our last trip. We made it almost...I did pick up some milk at our town store last week and yesterday I ran out of dh's ham for his lunch meat. But, that's my fault, for some reason I didn't add a package to my last grocery order. Today's sandwich will just have to be all turkey, LOL. Or he can switch it up and have a tuna sandwich.

Along with my grocery list I have been trying to make out a loose menu for the 3 weeks. That was helpful this last 3 weeks. If I couldn't decide what's for dinner, looking at the list helped me pick out something. 

A new reader to my blog, Jeannie, commented (thank you!) on what is likely the issue with my mom's tax return and I'm sure she's right. I need to file a form 1310 with her tax return. I was thinking I would need to do this with her last tax return (filed next year), but I have a feeling this is what is holding it up, so I am going to mail it in with a copy of her return and see if that does the trick. Though I have no idea how the IRS would know she passed - according to other info I keep reading, the Social Security office does not notify the IRS. Anyway, I'll give this a try and see if it helps it along. Her state tax return was processed and refunded with no issues. I just need to figure out which address to mail this to - the instructions are a bit confusing.

Also thanks to MegB for checking in on me this morning, since I didn't get a post done and I'm late getting this morning's done :)  Work is cramping my style, LOL.

It's blue skies out and to be 53 today and high 50's this weekend and 61 on Monday. Yes!


  1. On the news I heard a person can file taxes online, free, directly to the IRS or something like that. No paper form is required, so that is nice. And, it is free online site with IRS. I don't know what the other requirements are, but maybe you can get it done faster and easier.

    1. I already filed it online, back in January. The IRS has accepted the return, but the "where's my refund" is still just saying "your return has been accepted and in process". I filed her state tax return at the same time and had that refund in like 2-3 weeks.

  2. Form 1310 is Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due to a Deceased Taxpayer, so yes, if your mom is owed a refund on the 2023 return, you will need to file this form.

    Even if it's not the final return, a return filed for a deceased person should include a note at the top of the 1040 in the last name box that says DECEASED 01-05-2023 or whatever the correct date is. If you are using tax software, this note will be generated automatically if you have checked "taxpayer is deceased" and entered the date of death in the software.

  3. If you send the form through your congressional or senatorial office it will get processed much faster I work in a tech unit that only deals with congressional/senatorial offices

    1. I recently heard something similar to this - but it was for getting a passport expedited faster. What does the congressional/senatorial office do that gets a tax return processed faster? Interesting!

    2. or would this just be for a state tax return?
