Monday, March 4, 2024

Organization and Inquiry

Not much went on yesterday. I had ordered dh some labels he could write or print out, to label what is in his ammo cans. I had just bought a generic package of labels on Amazon. Well, the template online for these was pretty bad. I sat with him to show him how to use it to type in his descriptions. He had wanted like 2 to 3 lines per label and he wanted the top line to be larger in font then the line(s) below. This template would not do this. Then when printed out, it was the worst resolution. So, I said let me look for a better template and I found one for the label size on Avery and it loads into Word. I was able to easily change font sizes on each line and it printed out nice an black and sharp. That extra work didn't take me much time at all. There were only 7 labels to do. Though all in all I probably spent an hour total on this project. 

I started watching season 2 of Bosch Legacy last night. Love that show and it's started off with a bang.

I did not end up emailing the lady at the investment office on Friday to ask about the inherited IRA's, but I am going to this morning. At least hoping she can give me some kind of estimated date that I can pass on to my uncle. But, honestly, the accounts have been set up now (done at the small independent office) for over a month. How long does it take to just sell off some of the stocks (like a day or two?) and then do the transfers into the inherited IRA accounts and close out her account? I mean when her investment guy opened his own office and I had her account stay with him, they had to transfer her portfolio to a different company and that only took like 2 weeks to process. The selling of a little of the stock is so that the small 5% beneficiaries (my uncle and 4 step siblings) can just have their accounts in all cash. At this point, I have a feeling it's one or more of the step siblings that is holding up the process. I know it's not my uncle! LOL.

Lots of appointments I need to get made, coming up. The cat is due for his annual exam. I am due for mine, as well as a mammogram. I want to get us both scheduled for eye exams and new glasses. I also will schedule an appointment with the estate attorney to do our trust. I feel like I am forgetting something, LOL.

It was nice to sit down at my desk this morning and have it be clean. I'm going to try something new with my note taking. I'm always jotting down things as I work. A PO# or an invoice #, etc. I just use scrap paper, the back of something I printed out but instead of throwing it away when I'm done, I fold them in half and use the back for my notes and scribbles. Well, I end up with a ton of these folded in half papers and sometimes I know there is a ph# or something on one of them and it's just a big mess. And I scribble the notes in all directions on the papers. I'm going to try something new. I have a bunch of steno notebooks, so I'm going to try just having one of those out and writing my notes on an actual line, haha. Then if I need to look back for something I jotted down, it will be easier to scan through. It's going to likely be hard to teach an old dog a new trick.


  1. Same problem with the scribbled notes. For years I used a notebook to write date/time/person I talked with at ATT because of lies they told. It was amazing how there was no record of our conversation until I told them date/time/person and the conversation. I used this for everything and fell out of the habit of recording everything in that notebook. Now, I am back because of clutter and searching. I might have to search in the spiral notebook, but that is better than tiny scraps of paper! It is a tried and true method around here. I even converted Tommy.

  2. I use a notebook at work! It's a to do list, it's a note taking mechanism, etc. I check off the things I get done, I put a star beside things I might need again. I always have the date at the top of the page so I can find things when they happened.

  3. It took about 12 weeks after my dad died but only because my stepbrother could be bothered to fill out the paperwork

    1. I'm guessing that is what the issue is going on here as well. But at least if I can find out, I can let my uncle know and let him know I then don't know when it's going to be taken care of.
