Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Wednesday wonderings

I took a bunch of the chocolate muffins I made and individually wrapped them in press n seal and put them in the freezer. This way I can take out one or two at a time and not feel like I need to eat them all in less than a week.

I'm using Facebook less and less and it seems (at least to me and my small friends list) that other's are also using it less. I feel like there isn't much new to see of what friends post. My feed seems to mostly be filled with ads and suggested posts. Dh's best friend recently posted a meme. He just had shoulder surgery and dr's orders to sit and rest. Something about the meme was he wants to be active and dh replied something like "listen up Mister, Dr's orders are to sit in your chair. So, unless you want me to come down there and punch you in your arm, you'd better stay put". Facebook removed his comment and put him on restriction. How about just let friend report it if he found it offensive? OMG. It was a joke/teasing. Yet a guy on dh's friends list constantly posts memes that are basically pornography and apparently that is all fine and dandy. 

I did not sleep well last night due to really bad heartburn. I was about to finally just get up and take something, but it let up and I fell asleep. I'm sure I'll be dragging mid day. I have a feeling it's from the chocolate muffins. I seem to get heartburn if I eat too much chocolate. I had one yesterday...oh, and then I had a cup of hot chocolate around 8pm last night. Obviously that was not a good idea.

What does one do with an old diamond wedding ring? Pretty much since my mom started having memory issues, I have had her wedding ring. After my step dad passed and she started dating her boyfriend, she stopped wearing her ring. It has a nice sized diamond on the band, though I have no idea what the size is. Seems large to me, but I'm easily impressed, LOL. This was several years before the memory issues started and I have not moved away yet. She showed me where she hid it and 2 other rings. In a little empty Breath Right Strips box, put in her medicine cabinet! Then when she sold her house and dd was helping her pack up, I told her "find that box of rings!!" Otherwise it's going to disappear to never be seen again. My mom had already packed her bathroom stuff up, but dd found the little box in with the bathroom stuff (by then my mom didn't remember she had put the rings there). But, there was only the wedding ring in the box. I know one of the other rings was her birthstone, but I don't remember what the 3rd one was. Well, thankfully the diamond wedding ring was there at least.

Fast forward and it is in my safe. But what do I do with it? Sell it? Neither dd or I will wear it, of course. I'm not very sentimental about stuff and no strong feelings about this ring. If I just keep it in my safe, it would eventually just get passed to DD and then she'd have to figure out what to do with it, LOL. How does one go about selling a wedding ring? Maybe I'll give it to dd to try to sell where she lives (bigger marketplace) and split the money with her. I don't wear necklaces, so don't want it made into something else.

We're starting to hear birds chirping outside again. Winter is just about over, though this morning out my window, I see a little bit of fresh snow up on the mountaintop across from us

While the lamp shade paper I had dh put inside the pool table light is awesome, it doesn't want to stay stuck very well (he used some double sided sticky tape he had), so he went about cutting some thin pieces of wood trim we had leftover and is going to screw them to the inside of the bottom of the light. He couldn't find any screws that would work, so he ordered some on Amazon that should be here in a day or two. I stained the strips of wood a dark brown, so they should match the brown metal of the light, though they won't be visible too much, anyway.


  1. The ring: Take it to a reputable jeweler...not a Kay, but a local, independently owned one. At the very least, they will tell you what to expect/ where to sell it, if they have no interest in it.
    FB's algorithm works oddly. My friend got put in FB jail we *think* because she used the word "kidnap" in a post referencing "The Ransom of Red Chief." I got a Valentine's post removed one year, but not the next. I am on a Kindle, or I would paste it here, but do a search for "Leon Trotsky thinks your hotsky " to see why!

    1. I think I'm going to have dd take it to the jeweler (local/independent) in her area she has used to clean and repair her ring and see what info we can get on what it's worth and how to sell.

  2. I've put my Mom's ring back in hopes of a grandchild using it at some point as an engagement ring. I'm sure it'll have to be reset to their taste, but still sort of a sweet idea.

  3. I would also say get it appraised and then sell!

  4. Have the diamond put in a new setting. That is what I would do...and wear it. Or, have it appraised and sell it.
    From what you have said about your husband, I cannot imagine that he would deliberately be out of line or mean. Remember, it is likely vintage jewelry. That sells.

  5. My daughter’s wedding ring is beautiful and a diamond from her groom’s grandmother so it’s very special (he’s an only child) so maybe keep? It will not go down in value.
