Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Tuesday this and that

I'm still trying to decide on a  new blog title I like. I want to keep the "One" in it, in some aspect. Maybe an inspiration will come to me, haha. If you have a suggestion, let me know.

Amos was on a terror last night. He hasn't done anything with his "mousie stick" in awhile, but last night it came clacking down the stairs and I could hear him dragging it around. He holds the toy mouse in his mouth and the stick drags along behind. Then at around 6am this morning the mousie stick sounded like it was getting a tour of the whole house, LOL. It ended up in dh's closet, with the mouse laying inside a shoe, LOL. Now he's asleep on the floor behind me. 

I'm wondering how long I need to give Social Security to (re)process my mom's last payment, before I call and check on it? I hate loose ends and not having things tied up and done. Now I can't remember how long it's been since I mailed the form sent to me. It said I had 5 days to send it back and I mailed it back the next day. Seems like it was first of Feb. I knew I mentioned it in my blog, so I looked back and found it was received on 2/5 and I mailed it back in on 2/6. It just feels like it's been longer, I guess.

I haven't done any more decluttering. I have our garbage can filled up enough this week, but I'll work on it some more later this week. 

Sunny and 63 again today. We might actually get a spring this year LOL. Usually it's like we pretty much slide from winter to summer weather really fast with just a few weeks of spring like weather. Maybe I'll feel different by Friday, but for whatever reason this week seems to be going by slow.

Well, the day is almost over and I'm struggling to get this post done, so I guess that's it for today.


  1. When my son was a walking baby, he loved the little push toy that had rubber wheels and was musical. Every night when we were in bed, one of us would say, "Is the toy in the closet?" We put it in the top of the closet so he could not reach it and play music before we wanted noise. Maybe it is time to put the mouse stick in the top of the closet.
    From now on, you can use your steno pad to not received and mailed. You will love that steno pad before it is over. My notebook was a great help to me.

    1. You make a good point - I probably wouldn't have even written down in my notebook that I mailed it and I should do things like that, so I have it for reference.

  2. Give the cat a ball of yarn some night. My kids used to do that. It was crazy everywhere that cat went at night. He’d have that yarn on all 3 floors of the house, over and under and in between furniture.


  3. One of These Days (I'll retire...)
