Saturday, March 9, 2024

Things settling down

Now it sounds like my uncle is just going to leave his inheritance in the inherited IRA account, at least for awhile. He says he doesn't need the money and he called me last night to ask if I was leaving mine with this investment company and I told him yes, that they had been my parents advisor for over 30 years and I felt comfortable having them manage it. I did also try to see what I could get out of him as far as is there someone who has my number to call me, in case you were in the hospital or something and couldn't call me? He didn't specifically address that question - he seemed to think I was asking about his will/trust and said yes, everything is taken care of: my house, truck, hot rod, savings account, it's all set up and the daughter of a good friend will handle it. Due to how his house property record is showing, I'm 99% certain he set up a trust and then from what he just said about all his possessions, I think this is the case. I then mentioned dh and I were going to get a trust set up soon and he said mine cost about $2700 to do, but it's worth it. I then tried to word it a different way - I said if you end up in the hospital or something and I couldn't get ahold of you, I wouldn't know who to call to check on you....does your friend have my number? and he said yes. So, that's about all I can do and hope for the best.

For dinner last night I just made nacho's. DH likes it and I hadn't make it in awhile. We had picked up the chips while at the store the other day. Tonight I will just make him a hamburger. Not sure what I will have. Sometimes I have one, sometimes I just have a sandwich or cereal.

Dh had ordered some stuff to add some lighting to inside his new gun safe. It was coming UPS. Well, UPS can come anywhere between 1pm and 9pm. But most times he's here later afternoon. Well, of course yesterday's delivery was 8:50pm. DH was pretty mad, but what ya gonna do? But, once he gets in a mood he just has to go on and on about it. I listened to him complaining for 4 hours last night and even after the stuff came, he was still complaining about it. I then went to bed, just so I could stop listening to him. The problem is he's been staying up WAY late talking on the phone to his friend who normally couldn't talk late because he works, but he is out on leave for awhile, due to some surgery he had. Well, I'm noticing a distinct change in dh's mood when he gets 2-3 hours less sleep several nights a week. I've about had it with that nonsense and will be telling him to either stop with the 3am bedtime or stop with the moods. Take his pick. Friend was supposed to go back to work Monday, but his recovery is taking longer, so he's delaying it another week. Hopefully once he returns to work, dh's bedtime schedule will get back to normal. I think dh must have gotten the lighting installed in the safe as I see everything he had to empty out of it is put away and the bookcase door is shut back up.  

Just going to be doing my normal cleaning here and there, today.  Nothing exciting, that's for sure. I have a feeling, due to the warm day it's going to be, dh will wash the car. 

I guess I will give my mom's federal tax refund a few more weeks and then try to call, which I'm sure that's going to be a fun nightmare that will get me nowhere. I keep checking "where's my refund" and it just keeps showing "Action Required" and then below that it just says your return is still being processed, any changes to the status of your refund will be provided when available". Frustrating. Plus, I'm still waiting on her last Social Security payment. They sent me a form to fill out, which I mailed right back in. No idea how long that takes to process.

I guess it's time to move the clocks ahead one hour tonight. This should probably work out fine as I seem to be waking up at 6am anyway, instead of the 7am I normally woke up/get up. I'm sure the cat will be super annoying though.


  1. My clock had to be reset because it was unplugged and off the nightstand. I tried resetting it twice and it would not work. Finally, I remembered how to set it. While I was at it, I just set it forward for the time change. The one in living room and kitchen need to be reset, too. Thankfully, phones and laptops reset themselves.

    So, you still do not know who to call to check on uncle? Maybe when you talk to him next, just ask that first before he gets onto his resources talk.

    Babies don't take well to DST, either. At least, they do adjust.

    Will your husband not sleep later if he stays up too late? Four hours is a lot of complaining. But, I have a lot to do about the bed delivery today, so I should not say anything.

    1. He'll sleep in a little later, but not enough to make up for the short sleep and then of course, it's catching up with him after a few days. No, I still don't know who to call to check on my uncle.

  2. I wonder if Uncle would give you the number of whomever? But I'd only ask if you felt comfortable with doing so. Whether they would get in touch with you is another story anyway...! As for those moods I agree with you, he needs to cut it out or spend time elsewhere while he's moody. Take Amos on a walk 😆

    1. I was hoping he'd give me her name at least and then I could say do you want to give me her # to have on hand? I'm not going to worry about it for now. Like my dh said - I just got done with 4+ years of worrying about my mom. I need a break.

  3. On your mother's federal tax refund, the IRS will require a Form 1310, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer, for them to send it to you.

    Jeanie ( a new reader)

    1. I'm going to have to check on that. What I read was this is required with her final tax return that I will have to file next year. But, probably wouldn't hurt to resend a copy of her tax return, with that form. I even tried to research how the IRS knows when a taxpayer is deceased and all I could find was you write deceased on the final tax return. So, I was wondering how they could be holding it up now if they haven't been notified she died.
