Friday, December 1, 2023

New Christmas decor

First my new tree "collar" box arrived yesterday. It looked like it was going to be too big, but one of the reviews on Amazon said you would take out a panel to make it smaller, so geometrically challenged me, finally figured out how to put it together, LOL. Now I know why I got a D in Geometry (I was a straight A student) in 9th grade. I failed the midterm, got some tutoring by my cousin and managed to squeak out a C-as my final grade. You know those "bankers boxes" used in offices for paper/file storage. I always hated putting those together. Being able to start saving everything electronically was a happy day for me, haha.

Amos loved the tree box. He ended up sleeping in it all afternoon, in my office.

After I got the tree fluffed out and the box around the base of the tree. I went to get a pair of scissors to cut a little tag on a tree branch off, and come back to find him inside the box, again.

The tree is cute and just enough with the white tips, pine cones and red berries. No ornaments needed. Though I may decide to get some lights for it. Now, I'm kind of thinking it will look better lit.

Of course I never would have spent $345 or whatever is was reg. priced at, but under a hundred $ is good for this tree. It's a nice one. The wood tree box was $20 on Amazon. I also bought a bag of fluffy cotton snow and a cheap white faux fur throw blanket to add to the decor a bit.

My boss said she was going to have a talk with the assistant today, but he messaged he had finals or something, so he was going to work this weekend instead, so now she said she's going to have to wait until Monday. I'm still not sure "the talk" will result in his being fired.....I guess we'll see. She said she was waiting for this proof she now has that he didn't work that Sunday, before confronting him about it again. I also reminded her also didn't do any work Wed. evening when he clocked in for 2 hours. I honestly don't think he's going to end up being fired. 

I just can't get a hold of my mom on her phone. I did call the nurses desk in the afternoon yesterday and they said she was doing ok, about the same. Still eating all her meals. I've tried again like 3x this morning. The phone is ringing, so it's plugged in, so either she's not in her room every time I try or she's stuck it in the drawer again LOL. 

I need to get my mom's medicare advantage insurance plan figured out this next week. I tried before Thanksgiving, because I want to change her to one of the other plans offered through the insurance carrier, but I wasn't having any luck trying to do it online. I will probably need to call on it. But, I did the math and changing will save her $100 a month, if she ends up not needing any major care. If she does need care, she will end up coming out about the same out of pocket with the decreased premiums. I think I have until Dec 15th, during this open enrollment period.


  1. I really like your new Christmas tree. Is it from Amazon? We finally broke down and purchased our first artificaI tree. The fresh trees are getting to be real expensive now. I think open enrollment for Medicare ends on December 7th. You might want to check that. At least here in Florida it's on the 7th.

    1. I did find out today it is the 7th. Not sure where I thought I saw it was the 15th. The tree is from Kohl's.

  2. Your new tree is beautiful! We still have a fresh ‘main’ tree, and whenever we can find one we buy a potted one to plan in our field come spring.
    But I’ve got lots and lots of much smaller artificial trees all over the house!😄 And I always put lights on them- it’s just so cozy with extra light this time of the year. Enjoy the season! -Ricki

    1. We haven't had a fresh tree in about 25 years. We realized we were always sick at Christmas every year and for some reason it was apparently the live trees. Switched to artificial and no more being sick. I think I do need lights :)

  3. Amos never misses an opportunity, right. He is so cute in the box under the tree. Fairy lights with a remote would work. I have grown to like remotes since I am limited now. Since the fairy lights have batteries, I am not limited in placement and the need for an outlet.

  4. How nice of you to decorate for Amos - lol!! Tree looks gorgeous.
