Friday, December 15, 2023

Busy Friday

TGIF. Going to be a busy day today. Yesterday I went into town to get a few things at the grocery store. I picked up a couple tubes of sugar cookie dough and some other type of premade cookie dough that are already cut and have a snowman imprinted on them. I made them after dinner. The tube cookie dough turned out totally flat cookies. The snowman are cute little cookies, but honestly neither of them taste very good to me. Just an added strange taste...probably due to the preservatives and crap they add in. 

So, I'm going to take an early lunch break and whip up another batch of the shortbread cookies and quit work at 2pm and see if I have some time to do some rosette cookies before our friends arrive around 4pm. Probably just try to do a half recipe. I guess I'm sticking with good old regular ingredients - flour, sugar, eggs, vanilla.... At least store bought bakery cookies are better than these pre made dough cookies...bleh! I won't ever be buying these again. I used to buy the tub of premade Nestle's choc chip cookie dough years ago, and those weren't too bad.

I got a letter in the mail yesterday from mom's m/c that in March the rent will go up $264/mo. I assumed there would be an increase in the couple hundred dollar range. At least she has been able to stay at the same care level, so far, since she moved in. 

DD and SIL were at Costco last night, so they checked the price on Alaska King crab legs. $30/lb, so much better than $70 or $80. We will have to figure out how much for them to get when they come over for New Years. Probably 4 or 5 pounds. She's going to check the price at the regular grocery store they go to, as well.


  1. We got Alaskan King crab 🦀 legs from Costco & they were some of the best. Excellent!
    Is making rosettes complicated?
    Time consuming maybe?
    I need a simple dessert for tomorrow. It may be ice cream & store bought cookies. L A Z Y

    1. I didn't find the rosettes complicated. Maybe a little time consuming, but kind of fun. The batter is easy to make and they fry in the oil really quick. It would go faster if I had 2 rosette irons, but I'm guessing maybe a half batch will take me about an hour. We'll see how long it takes!

  2. Maybe I would like to make these rosettes. I assume I can find irons on Amazon, but is there a standard for these?
    I have only eaten the store bought tubes of chocolate chip. Frost the bad cookies to redeem them. The snowman can just be cute, not delicious. One great cookie will be okay with a cute one and a chocolate-frosted one. There you go!
    Is there a different care level into which she might eventually have to go?

    1. I found my irons on Amazon. It was a set with one handle and 3 different irons. My mom is on level 3 of care. I think there are like 7 or 8 levels where she lives - each one adding another $500 to the cost.
