Sunday, December 10, 2023

Shortbread and snow Saturday

I have woken up to a couple inches of snow and it's still snowing. Amos went out for all of about 2 minutes. I just had my coffee and one of the shortbread cookies I made. They are good and were super easy to make, though if I make them again I will double the recipe as it only makes 2 dozen. I will probably make them when I make Christmas cookies closer to Christmas. Which I don't know when I'm going to do that, now that next weekend will be busy with some friends coming for the weekend. I kind of wanted to make them next weekend, so I'd have some to give away during the week before Christmas. I may have to bite the bullet and do some evening baking, I guess.

DD called last night and they are planning to come back over for New Year's Eve and stay a couple nights. We will just wait and exchange our gifts then, rather than mailing. They got dh a couple boxes of ammo and that would be heavy/costly to mail, that's for sure. Years ago, when the kids still lived at home I would get Alaska king crab legs for New Years eve dinner. I wonder if you can even get that here in MT?! LOL. Maybe I'll have dd pick some up and they can bring it over in a cooler. I'll have her check on that. (if sil likes crab, that is).

My mortgage escrow annual statement came in the mail yesterday. I was definitely expecting it to go up a little over $100 a month due to property tax and insurance increases, but not got up $200 a month. I haven't taken a look at the details yet, to figure out why/how they come to the calculation. I hate when I am wrong estimating - especially by double!

I left my kitchenaid mixer out on the counter after baking the cookies yesterday, since I plan to just use it again today to make some banana bread. I have enough ripe bananas that I may make 2 loaves and freeze one to have next weekend. I have 2 loaf pans. One very old and one maybe 10 years old. I had bought the new one years ago to replace the old old one...but for whatever reason the old one bakes the loaf much better than the new one. The new one over cooks it and after using it a couple times (and trying to adjust the time down the 2nd time) I just kept the old one and have used that ever since. It was the same thing with my cookie sheets. The new one (which I think was kind of a more expensive good one my mom had given me as a gift years ago) always overbaked the bottom of cookies, so I still use my old one most of the time. 

I did just buy one of those silicone mats to try on the baking sheet and used it yesterday on my newer cookie sheet. The cookies came out fine and cooked evenly. Not sure if it was the new mat or just that it's a recipe I've never made and they come out fine anyway, but I'm going to keep using the silicone mat. I'm really hoping the mat makes it easier to roll out my sugar cookie dough....I have the worst time with it always sticking when trying to roll and get very frustrated and then ask myself why did I make these again?!

Oh Geez - it's a never ending cycle. So, I had $10 Kohl's cash to use from my recent jeans order. So, I just used that towards the Christmas dinner plates. Plus I had an email with a 40% off coupon code. That's a good code! Plus they were offering an additional $10 off a home purchase of $50. I guess the plates qualified for that due to their original price being more than $50. But, just the plates wasn't enough for free shipping. Shipping is $8.95, but if I spent $19 more I'd get free shipping. I had to find something that was $19 after the 40% off. I finally figured out what I want. I have been wanting a new comforter or duvet for one of the guest bedrooms for a long time, since we got the bed back in 2017 LOL. The comforter was something I picked up at Kohl's even before we moved from our original home. I knew we'd be adding a queen sized bed for guest room and this was cheap and seemed kinda neutral. I've never loved it and am just tired of it. I decided to go with a navy blue duvet cover (I'll just put the current comforter inside it). I think the dark blue will go good with the burnt orange accent color I have in this bedroom. I was trying to decide if navy blue would be ok and then realized that the throw blanket (a cheap gift from some company LOL) I have folded up on the chair next to my desk, that the cat sleeps on, is navy. So, I unfolded it and took it to that bedroom and laid it down and I think it will look very nice in there, with a navy duvet. It was regular $110, on clearance/sale for $44, plus 40% off, so $26. 

After I placed the order, I just got another email with more Kohl's cash never ends, LOL.

Last night I started watching the tv show "Good Witch" on Netflix. Anyone watched that show? I see it's like 7 seasons - is it worth watching?


  1. With your record, I doubt you missed the estimate by that much. Maybe you have another fight on your hands.
    I want to bake something for Christmas, but it has to be low carb. Wonder what? I usually made a bundt cake recipe in three small loaf pans. Maybe again?
    Burnt orange and blue look great together. Think Clemson and Auburn. I find that one purchase with coupon is always followed by another deal, endlessly.
    I saw two little girls begging for something. It was a bag of crab legs that their mother reminded them could only be eaten in the yard. What a snack!

    1. The escrow is correct. I guess I was thinking of my costs as next year, when my increased insurance and first half of the higher property taxes have already been paid now this year, causing the shortage, and then add on basically the same adjustment for next years payments.

  2. I bet you could make the cookie dough and freeze it so it will be easier to bake at night (just be sure to defrost it during the day).

    1. I have frozen that sugar cookie dough one time before and it worked out fine, so that is a good idea to split it up. It has to be chilled for a few hours after making the dough, anyway

  3. Your "problems" with Kohls reminds me of the Yves Rocher (cosmetics) marketing. When I was single I bought a few of their things - which turned out to be good. So then every so often I got a card saying they would give me a discount on X if I bought before date Y! It worked for the longest time but eventually I wised up!

    1. If Kohl's would have some free shipping codes more often, I'd spend the Kohl's cash rewards easy peasy, but I hate paying shipping so I end up adding to my order to get free shipping...then earn enough for more rewards LOL.
