Sunday, December 24, 2023

Quiet holiday days

Other than worrying about my mom a bit, yesterday was a relaxing day. Around 11 am we went over to some nearby friends new place and visited with them for an hour or so. As the crow flies, their place is probably like a mile from us, but they are on the other side of the river, so it's about a 5 mile drive to drive down to the bridge and then back over to their place, LOL. They live in a little "valley" area with lots of hay fields and it's very common to see deer and elk and as we were leaving we did see 4 elk out in a field.

I did do a little online research about edema. While it could be something more serious (like congestive heart failure), it's much more common that it's the more "benign" edema, common in elderly and then add in the fact that she is overweight and lack of activity, only adds to the chances of it being from those conditions. It's also possible that during the almost couple weeks of Covid, she was likely much less active and has likely still been tired from it (I know it took dh and I a long time to get back to our normal energy) so not being as active. And supposedly getting up and moving around is helpful for it, she ends up in kind of a catch 22 because of it, she doesn't feel like walking....

I still need to wrap dh's gift, LOL. It's hidden in one of the guest bedroom closets. It's just a book - but it's one that is out of print, so it was about triple normal book prices. It's a used copy, of course, but looks to be in like new condition.

I noticed an Amazon Prime show (Reacher) dh and I had watched together last year is now out with season 2, so I will suggest we watch that tomorrow or start this evening. Last night I watched a movie I had never seen before. It was quite popular (20 years ago) and I'm not sure why I never saw it. Love Actually. I enjoyed it and it's one of those movies I can see myself watching again. Like the other day I watched The Holiday. I can't tell you how many times I have watched that over the years. I still need to watch Home Alone and I set it to record with our streaming service, so maybe I'll watch that sometime today or later this evening.

Dinner last night was another dish of chicken enchiladas. I had some tortillas and sour cream left over from last weekend, so decided to make them again. Easy and tasty. I was out of "colby jack" cheese and only had cheddar, but it tasted just as good. I'm not sure what I am making for dinner tonight. It kind of depends on what time we go in to see my mom today. If it's after lunch that we visit her, then we'll likely swing in some fast food and grab something for an early dinner on the way home. If not, I'll probably just make some homemade burgers. The turkey is thawing in the fridge to make tomorrow.

Still no snow (a few flakes fell yesterday) but it's a cold chilly morning at 14 degrees out right now.

Ok, this was new and odd: I just placed an order with Walmart online for shipping. As I was checking out it popped up a map with a "pin" on supposed address for delivery and says "please confirm your delivery address with the pin". Well, not really close to my address on the map, LOL. It was about 10 miles away on the other side of town. I zoomed out and moved the map to where my house is and tried to pin it on my location and it then said pin was too far away from delivery address! Ok....whatever, so I just then choose "skip" haha.


  1. I need to watch the Holiday again. Those are 3 classics.
    Merry Christmas to you and your dh! :)

  2. Reacher.... 'nuff said! Sixty year old here... and I'm not dead. He is one handsome fella! lol Bonus! The series is good too!
    Merry Christmas!

  3. In the meantime--she can stand despite the pain and walk in place holding onto back of chair, even bent over and holding bed and step/walk in place and do often. Raise legs on a pillow for a bit. There is a device that fits only on calves to squeeze calf muscles to promote good circulation back to heart. Of course, there are full leg pumps to simulate the action of walking. Even a device that is pedals only can help her to move calf muscles without sitting on a bike. Calf muscles and their actions is a 'body pump' to get fluids/blood accumulated in legs to move back to heart. calf massage would help. Being in a wheel chair only will promote more flood retention. Do something to get legs moving even before the doctor says so. If I am wrong in any of this, let me know.
